I let her ramble on, not paying attention as my mind moved to Juliette. I wondered what had taken her so long, had she gotten lost. After a few minutes I finally decided to go search for her.
I frowned. So, Mihai’s parents really had been acting. I grimaced, walking away from where I’d stopped near the entrance to the library. The entire dinner had been a bit too nice for me to believe it. I was glad I’d followed my instinct and stayed back to see what they would say once I was gone. I pressed my hand to my stomach, it didn’t matter what Mihai’s parents thought anyway, everything was fake and would be over three years from now. I continued on my way to the bathroom.
Ten minutes later, I still couldn’t find my way back to the library. I felt like I’d walked into a bad episode of Twilight zone, every turn I took seemed to take me deeper into the Linton’s home and yet, I couldn’t seem to get back to where I needed to be.
My feet hurt, and I honestly wanted to take a seat in the hallway and wait for someone to find me. But it would be embarrassing to be found lounging on the floor, I continued to try to find my way back.
As I was about to say fuck it, I turned the corner and paused when I saw a kid. He was sitting on the floor, and in his arms there was a large teddy bear. Surprised at seeing someone else, I couldn’t help feeling relieved.
“Hey,” I called. He jumped slightly and turned to look at me. “I’m a bit lost do you think you can tell me how to get back to the—” My eyes widened at the sight of tears falling down his cheeks.
Startled, I quickly approached him. “I’m sorry, did I scare you?” I said kneeling in front of him, now that I was closer, I could see his features, his hair was curly, and brown the same color as the bear in his arms. And his height made me think he was about five or six. “Here, what’s your name? Mine is Jul.”
He stared at me blankly, his large green eyes were rimmed by thick lashes. If someone said, this child was a model I wouldn’t argue. Something about him was familiar but I couldn’t think of who he reminded me of.
He didn’t say anything in answer to my question.
“Do you want to tell me your name?” I asked, hoping to get him to open a bit.
He didn’t say anything, nor did he move away from me. So, after a few minutes, I decided to stand up. “Well, since you’re okay now I’ll be going.”
I really needed to find the library, and if the kid wasn’t interested in speaking there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Luckily, he seemed to be a resident here. I gave his head a soft pat, before turning to walk away, but a small hand grabbed mine.
I paused and glanced down, to find him staring up at me. “Hm, what is it?”
He didn’t say anything but instead started to pull me along behind him. Surprised, I decided to follow him. Honestly, speaking maybe he’d bring me to where I could ask someone for directions back to the place I’d been.
A few minutes later my expectations were dashed, because the little kid didn’t take me to any adult. But brought me to what appeared to be a playroom. I gave a quick looked around at the brightly colored room. There was one wall covered with shelves holding books and toys, while on the floor there was another stack of books. And while it was a nice room, there wasn’t a single adult present.
I looked down at him. “You want me to play with you?”
He gave me a solemn stare before nodding.
Chuckling, I said. “I guess I could have ended up just sitting on the floor.” Inwardly, I sighed. At some point someone would come looking for me. Staying in one place would make it easier for them to find me and I really didn’t want to face Mihai’s family, after hearing what they said.
“Fine, let’s play,” I said as I followed the kiddo inside. Surprisingly, he didn’t bring me to the toys, but to the books. I followed his example in taking a seat on the softly padded floor, he picked up one of the books and handed it to me.
Taking the book, I read the title. “Ink Heart.Wow, it’s been a while since I read this,” I murmured as I flipped through it. I glanced at him and spotted the eager look in his eyes. “Well, since I’m here, I guess I could read some.”
To be honest, I much prefer reading a few pages of a book then trying to act out my role as a doting fiancée. In fact, after a few pages the kid had moved to rest against my side I felt bit like a cat charmer, only it was a nameless and mute kid I’d charmed. Time passed as I slowly read and before I even noticed my eyes had closed and I’d fallen asleep.
I stared down at the woman I’d coerced into marrying me, she was asleep in Nelu playroom. My son nestled into her side. It was obvious that Juliette had been reading to Nelu from the book that had fallen by her side. She had completely brought Nelu into her arms and looked like she had no intention of moving.
The view of them together did something to my heart. Nelu rarely approached strangers, even with me he’d act awkward or avoid my eyes. The fact that he’d willingly allowed her in his room was astonishing.
Nelu considered this room, his territory and safe place. He rarely allowed people inside. He had one here at my parents’ house as well as mine. I hadn’t bothered to force him to meet Juliette because I didn’t want him to get attached, but also to prevent him from being overwhelmed.
And despite my intentions, it looked like the two of them were now acquainted.
“Well, isn’t this surprising,” Castor said behind me, as he quietly entered the room. “I wonder how she ended up here?”
“Probably got lost,” I said, moving toward the two. “Can you get Nelu while I pick her up?”
“Sure.” Castor followed my example, as he moved over to Nelu’s side, and kneeled. He easily picked up my son. “I guess the therapy is working, he usually throws a fit if a stranger enters his room.”