Page 24 of A Linton Scandal

“Two months ago,” his brother who sat across from me said. I wasn’t sure if this one was Sofario or Uthur. “Was that the night of the Ferris Banquet?”

“Yes, remember I asked you to come, but you wouldn’t be Sofario if you didn’t manage to miss making an appearance,” Mihai said with a trace of sarcasm in his voice. “Unfortunately, this time you missed out on meeting Juliette.”

I felt a bit flattered at his words, especially since we both knew the truth. “She didn’t know who I was, or my background and we started talking and then one thing led to another and here we are,” he said, quickly wrapping it up.

“Surely, it couldn’t have been that simple,” his brother Uthur said. “With the amount of women eager to be the next Mr. Linton, I’m shocked that a drink at a bar caught your attention.”

Mihai shot him a warning look. “Maybe that was all that was needed.”

“Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I should even take his number,” I said, in an effort to diffuse the tension. “But I thought that sometimes you have to be adventurous in love. I lucked out this time around.”

“Exactly,” Audrey exclaimed. “I tell my son’s all the time they should at least go on the blind dates I suggest. You never know the girl you meet might actually be the love of your life.”

I smiled when all four-man groaned as if on cue. They all looked at their father with pleading eyes. He laughed. “Let them eat before you start lecturing them.”

She snorted, and shot a glare at Uthur, “Fine, but don’t think I didn’t hear about your petty trick on the Ko’s daughter.”

Uthur lowered his head as if to avoid her glare.

“Fine, let’s eat,” Uthur said.

I released a sigh as the inquisition had ended and picked up my spoon to eat some of the soup that had cooled in front of me. The less I talked about my relationship with Miha, the safer I’d be. I took a bite and hummed lowly at the taste, it was very rare for me to have squash soup and the cook had done a great job.

I secretly hoped that the night would end like this, but something told me that was a pipe dream.



Dinner finished in what felt like a flash, I’d thought we’d leave right after, but apparently, I’d underestimated Mihai’s mother. She’d prepared a dessert in another room. I followed Mihai’s brother to it and was immediately impressed by the large fireplace that took up the entirety of the wall opposite us.

The thing seemed to have been carved out of a large granite stone, two large lions were caught mid leap, while the grate that blocked the front kept one from falling inside was made of heavy iron that twisted and turned until it looked like a gate of roses with sharp thorns.

“It’s the oldest thing in the house,” Sofario said. “Our great-great-great grandfather had it shipped here.”

Since my arrival, this was my first chance to truly take in his appearance. He was close in height to Mihai, but where Mihai was broader in the chest, he was slimmer. His build was leaner, unlike Mihai he wore his hair long and his blue eyes were two shades lighter.

“You forgot to add three more greats in there,” Castor said from behind us.

I turned to see him setting a tray down on the coffee table. His short hair was styled in a fashionable way, revealing what looked like the tip of a tattoo on his neck. His military bearing gave him a different flare from his brothers, and his eyes were a mix of blue and grey. For some reason, I felt less tension from him in comparison to the other two.

He offered a soft smile as he straightened. “There are a lot of things here that are older than the house itself. Our family likes its artifacts.”

“Some people would call it legacies,” Mihai said as he entered the room, I immediately made my way over to his side. The minute I reached him my nerves settled. He took my hand as if it was natural. “Some people would beg to have it.”

“Humph, a bunch of old shit drawing dust,” Uthur said with a disgruntled tone from where he stood in the doorway. His eyes were like Mihai’s, a bright blue, but for me they seemed a tad bit darker. He wore his hair in a long braid, his left ear held a sapphire earring. “If you guys need me, I’ll be in my room calling the Ko family to apologize for not wanting to marry their daughter for money,” he nearly snarled before he marched off.

I watched him go and gave Mihai a questioning look. “Don’t worry about him, he’s irritated since our father told him to apologize for being rude.”

“He’s a brat,” Castor said easily, then took a seat on the couch that was arranged around the coffee table. “He’s the youngest, he’s used to being catered to, but now Mom and Dad are making him take responsibility for his shitty behavior. Once he calms down, he’ll be fine.”

“Damn right,” Mihai’s father said as he entered the room with his wife, the two immediately took a seat on the love seat between the two couches. “He’s gotten too use to having his way.”

“Well, it’s not his fault we wanted to spoil him since he wasn’t expected,” Audrey said, with a sigh. “He’s my miracle baby, I sort of overdid it. And now we’re dealing with the consequences.” She chuckled lightly.

Taking a seat beside Mihai I gave her an understanding smile. “I understand.”

“Since we’re here I would like a little more about you Ms. Juliette, and feel free to call me Teodor,” he said with a friendly smile.