Page 54 of A Linton Scandal

I didn’t want to leave his side, but I knew what would happen next wasn’t something I should see. Even knowing it would be something bad, I had no intention of stopping him. I wanted her to pay for what she’d done to Nelu’s mother, forcing the boy in my arms to live three years in silence. But before I left, I wanted to say something that I’d been too scared to say.

“I love you.”

“I love you to,” he said with a soft smile, before lightly pushing me toward the exit. “Now, go home. I’ll meet you there.”

I nodded, not looking back.

Any threat to my family should be gotten rid of. I wouldn’t waste a drop of worry on Ms. Pall, not one drop.


I watched as Juliette walked out with my son in her arms. They were alive and safe, the moment that knowledge fully sunk in. I let go of the leash I had on my anger.

Facing her, I walked toward her as she continued to ramble. Her hair was a mess and her makeup was smeared. My disgust grew as I stared down at her. I reached inside my coat and pulled out one of the many blades I carried when I left my home.

“How?” she asked. “How did you know?”

I smiled knowing what it was she referred to. “You must’ve grown arrogant since I didn’t look into the murder of my wife. Back then, I sought to cover it up for my son’s sake. I thought it was the best choice to let everyone think her fall from the window was an accident.”

She stared up at me, before she started to giggle. “You knew.”

I knelt in front of her. “To an extent, I wondered who would be brazen enough to kill a Linton under their own roof. Still, I didn’t think that the cockroach would reveal itself once more, I never thought you’d be stupid enough to try it again.”

It was exceedingly rare for someone to laugh in my face but seeing how Ms. Pall was clearly looking for death, I let her laugh.

“I’m stupid? Who is the man who allows a bastard to wear his name?” Ms. Pall said her smile twisted.

I knelt in front of her as she continued to spew her poisonous words.

“You’re the shame of the seven branches, nothing. How could you impregnate a peasant—” Her angry scream was cut short when I grabbed her hair and jerked her head back. Her thin, pale neck was fully exposed as her eyes filled with fear.

“You, you wouldn’t dare,” she panted out.

I lifted my knife and placed the edge of it against her throat. “Tsk, and here I thought you knew me.”

With that, I pulled my blade slowly across her throat and watched as her lashes fluttered, and her angry expression turned into one of shock. Her lips parted; she released a low gurgling sound as she choked. My men released her arms as I let go of her hair, to wipe my blade on it before I sheathed it.

“Now on your way to hell, I want to first thank you for killing my wife. I wouldn’t have met Juliette if it wasn’t for you. And know that I won’t go after your family for raising you. It’s the least I can do for you.”

Standing up, I watched as she fell to the ground dead. “Take her body to her family and tell them it would be in their best interest to cover up her death. As I did for her when she killed my wife.”

I looked at the three men who were kneeling in the corner. “Take them to the locker and see if they have any more information, if they don’t. Deal with them the same way.”

With my orders given, I left. I didn’t want to spend another second away from Juliette or my son. Since the last loose end had been cut off, it was time to enjoy the family I had now.


I felt a warm body slide into bed with me.

“You didn’t make him sleep in his room?” Mihai’s breath brushed my ear, as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I shook my head. “No, I wanted him to stay by my side a little longer.”

He pressed a kiss against my neck. “She’s been taken care of, you no longer have to worry about her.”

I turned around, careful not to jostle the sleeping Nelu. “I wasn’t worried since you’re here now. I actually was thinking more about what Ms. Pall said and how it would affect Nelu.”

He stared at me for a long time, as if weighing whether he should explain.