She popped her eyes open, and I saw her dazed expression. Something snapped inside me. I tightened my hold of her waist and held her still. She had no choice but to take my bruising thrust.
Her body shook, and she whimpered as her head fell forward. It was silent and aggressive, but she took me, and soon both of us gasped as we reached the peak. I moved her hips, forcing her to ride it out.
Soon we both froze and held each other. I swore I could feel her heart pounding along with mine.
Lifting a hand to the back of her head, I pressed a kiss to her neck.
I didn’t know if she knew, but I wasn’t ever going to let her go. I loved her, and there was no fear or discomfort at that.
Juliette was meant to be mine.
Time Flies
“My mother wants to throw a party for us,” Mihai said as he entered Nelu’s room a few nights later. Over the last month, Mihai had not only become closer with his son, but he’d also revved up his courtship of me. It felt somewhat weird to be dating while married, but that’s what we were doing.
While I didn’t sleep in his room all the time, I’d spent plenty of nights there. To the point, he’d complained and ordered the staff to move my things into his room. I’d learned a few things about the man over this month. He didn’t like being disobeyed, he lived and breathed always being in charge.
The only time he showed me his relaxed visage was when he was at home with me and Nelu. Speaking of his son, Nelu had started to relax around his father more and more. I gladly took the blame for this, as I hadn’t known that Nelu was usually left to himself.
I didn’t think anything about it when I first started going into his room in the morning and getting him ready for school. It’d become second nature for me to intrude on him. Since the idea of the kid being alone all day, every day made me feel weird.
I had taken a break from doing videos and had handed my job at Sophie’s restaurant over to Hannah, who was more than ready to be in charge. And with me entering the third month of this pregnancy I could feel myself getting tired faster and irritated quicker.
So irritated that when Mihai had refused to tell me what happened to the hitmen, I’d thrown my glass of orange juice at him. Honestly, I wasn’t even in my second trimester, and I was already over Mihai’s tendency to send men to follow me around.
I looked up from the book I’d been reading. “A party?”
He nodded, looking stressed as he took a seat at the edge of Nelu bed. He reached out casually and ran a hand through his son’s hair, immediately the little boy wriggled as he pressed into my side. I laughed, twisting so that his flailing limbs wouldn’t hit me.
“She wasn’t pleased with how I handled our marriage. I told her in exchange we’d have a party. The result is she’s been planning the party in place of the wedding, and she emailed me one of the invitations,” he explained. After messing with Nelu, he gave me his full attention. “She threatened to come by if we didn’t go, I told her we would.”
“Well, it would be nice to get out,” I said, since I’d been sticking to the house since we’d gone to the bar to meet his friends. And when I did go out, I was followed or with Nelu. “Is there a dress code?”
He tilted his head, “Don’t worry about it,” he leaned forward and pressed his lips against my forehead. “Now I’ll wait for you to read me my boy bedtime story.”
I flicked his cheek. “Idiot.” He caught my hand, and kissed my fingers, before he released them and left the room.
I watched him go with the shake of my head, I was sure there was something wrong with the man. He’d gone from the impressive goliath, who’d shown up in my life out of nowhere to this gentleman who treated me with a soft touch that made my stomach tighten in anticipation for his kiss.
Clearing my throat, I quickly went back to reading, avoiding Nelu’s curious look.
Time had passed quickly since that night I’d told Juliette about my former wife, and while I hadn’t gone into too much detail, it still changed how I viewed Juliette.
I had turned my attention to doing anything and everything to convince her that it was in her best interest to stay by my side after our three-year agreement. I didn’t know why I felt impatient, but every time she welcomed my touch and told me she wanted me, I grew greedier for more.
The ruthless side of me wanted to demand her devotion boldly, but I could feel there was something like a glass wall between her and me.
I wanted to give her time and be patient but the idea that she would choose to leave caused me to feel anxious in intervals.
The sight of her with my son in her arms, hit me in the chest every time. And while Nelu still hadn’t spoken, he laughed and giggled now. He no longer kept himself locked up in his room. I could now find him in her room, watching her designing for a commission or he’d follow her into the kitchen to watch her make snacks.
The two of them got along so easily, I sometimes felt left out but with my son growing happier in her presence I could only adapt. That was Juliette’s effect on me, she could get me to do things I’d never been interested in before.
From eating breakfast together, to going on picnics in the backyard.