I shook my head at his foolishness. “Let’s go before I decide to do just that.”
We quickly got in the car and headed to the bar.
The Rumor
“Iwasn’t sure you were really coming,” Roman greeted when I entered Cey’s Bar.
A spot that was only attended by those in our circle, to the public it didn’t exist. Juliette had asked my driver at least three times if he knew where he was going. The only reason I hadn’t immediately allayed her fears was because of the way she’d press herself closer and closer to me, the further we went down the winding back road. When she looked like she was going to climb into the front seat and take over, I finally explained everything to her.
“I was worried if I didn’t come, you and the other idiots would show up at my house instead,” I said as I walked toward him, spotting a few more people in the back. “It looks like you did as you said and invited everyone.”
He didn’t answer me. Instead, he turned his attention to Juliette who, until this moment, had been silently listening. “So, you’re the wife.”
Juliette’s eyes slightly squinted as she smiled. “Yep, that’s me, but most people call me Juliette.” She put out her hand. “And you are?”
“Roman,” he said, taking her hand. “I’ve known your husband since we were two brats in elementary school. He was courting my sister until you two met.”
I cursed silently. I knew I couldn’t trust this fucker to keep things straight. Then again there wasn’t a single person in my circle of friends that actually knew how to behave themselves. Just as my lips parted to end Roman’s attempt to stir up trouble Juliette spoke.
“I wasn’t aware of that, but that might explain why our wedding was rushed. My husband didn’t want to marry someone his parents chose for a second time,” Juliette said, her voice light. “I’m sure there are plenty of parents eager to marry their sons to your sister.” She finished giving him an innocent smile.
A smile that I knew was completely fake, I covered my mouth to stifle my laughter. She’d implied that I hadn’t wanted another cold political marriage and had taken control over my destiny and married for love. While Roman’s sister had no control over her life and had no choice but to listen to her parents about who she would marry. A marriage that would have nothing to do with her or the man she met.
Roman expression darkened before it cleared, as he let go of her hand. “I guess that’s true, but I wonder what made you more worthy of a Linton than a Feraldi.”
“I found her worthy,” I said, stepping forward and coming between the two of them. “If you’re done testing my wife, can we go to the table now?”
He scoffed and turned away from me. “Let’s go.”
“Well, he seems nice,” Juliette said as she walked over to my side.
I snorted. “He’s a dick but he probably wanted to take the lead on finding out about you, so that he can tell the others.”
“Oh, and did I pass the test?” Juliette asked.
I glanced over at her. “Of course, you’re my wife after all.” I took her hand and together we walked over to meet the others.
I nursed my drink of cranberry and sprite, as I listened to Mihai’s friends talk about their past. At first, I’d been nervous, but after meeting Roman I’d lost most of that. Like Mihai, his other friends were handsome and well put together. I had to say God had really been unfair when he’d put these men together. I’d met Roman Feraldi, Alexander Khari, Roman’s sister Decia, and Levi Ajian along with Ms. Pall, who spent her time sending me dark looks I ignored. I hadn’t expected to meet Decia, but from her relaxed behavior and openness I’d quickly realized she didn’t feel any way about mystealingof hermaybefiancé.
“Does your dad still have an interest in buying real estate in the Caribbean, I heard he’s been making inquiries?” Alexander asked Levi, his tanned features bellowing his Spanish heritage from his mother. His dark brown eyes flickered with intelligence. “My aunt wants to sell some of her property, and I told her I knew someone.”
Levi frowned, his long fingers tapping the counter as he pursed his lips in thought. “I don’t know. I’ll have to ask. You know how my father likes to jump from one hobby to the next, since he left everything in our company to me when he retired. He said he was interested in playing around in real estate earlier this year, but last month he changed it up and said he was thinking about investing in a football team. The old man needs to date, he’s got too much time on his hands.”
“You’re only saying that because he keeps crashing at your apartment with matchmaking profiles,” Dacia said, her amber eyes narrowing on him. “How does it feel to be stalked with marriage proposals? Feel my pain?”
“Didn’t you have a break from that when Mihai was courting you?” Levi said.
Dacia rolled her eyes. “Obviously, I can’t use him anymore.”
“Sorry, but not sorry,” Mihai said as he took my hand under the table and rubbed it with the back of his thumb.
“Traitor,” Dacia said to him before she glanced at me. “You have any guy friends who wouldn’t mind playing my significant other so I won’t be harassed by my mother to marry?”
I laughed. “Sorry, the only guy friend I have is already engaged to my best friend.”