Page 38 of A Linton Scandal

“Hold on,” he softly growled as he swapped his hips forward once more.

I closed my eyes with a soft mewl.

Personally, never heard of a woman dying from too many orgasms, but I was sure I’d be the first person to do it. My ears were filled with the sloppy wet sounds if him fucking me.

I wanted to call for a break but right when I thought I couldn’t take another orgasm his strokes became deeper and stronger. My back tensed as his movement grew rougher, he leaned forward, clamping his teeth on my shoulder. As he wrapped his other arm around me, he used his hand to cover my belly.

Tightening my hold on the headboard, I bit my lip to keep from crying out as he filled me with his essence. After a few minutes, we flopped down on the bed, spent.

“It looks like we’re compatible,” he muttered in my ear.

I was too tired to slap him or laugh. Instead, I settled for saying, “Looks like.”

Pretty soon, I passed out.


Hearing the soft snoring of Juliette, I couldn’t stop the sense of pride that ran through me. Regaining some energy, I got up and went to the bathroom. Grabbing a cloth, I moved over to her side, and opening her legs, quickly cleaned her up. After I finished, I returned the cloth to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

Once done, I easily picked up the passed-out Juliette and rearranged her so that she slept in my arms. Hearing her soft breathing, the restlessness in my heart slowly faded. I wanted to stop these emotions that were bubbling up, but I knew myself the best. As a Linton, there was nothing that couldn’t be mine.

I would make Juliette fall in love with me. And maybe I could build a normal family like others. Unfortunately, for those in my circle, normal was the hardest thing to attain. I could plot and scheme for the best outcome. If there were a thousand things my family was good at, plotting was one of them.

* * *

“So,they confessed to getting the slip, but it came from two different people?” I asked Nao as we sat in my office. The two people Callin had taken yesterday had been stubborn in the beginning, but as usual Callin managed to work them into telling the truth. Sadly, this meant only one of the men was left alive. And that was Avery who’d been more than forthcoming.

Nao nodded, setting an iPad on my desk. “The first request came from this account, I was able to have my tech guys at the company track it back to a William Becking, who happens to be a distant cousin of Stern. It didn’t take much to find the text message with his request to Avery.” He swiped the image of account information aside to the image of the text message.

I frowned. “It doesn’t say anything about killing.”

“Exactly, he requested that they bring Mrs. Linton to his home for questioning,” Nao explained.

I coldly looked at Callin. “Did you find any information on the second request?”

He shook his head. I could see from his troubled expression it bothered him. “No, even though we were able to track the account information down. It leads to a dead person, who didn’t have any hidden or unhidden connections with us or our social circle.”

“And that’s what makes them more dangerous,” I said slowly contemplating it. “Stern wanted to question my wife while the hidden party requested that they take her out.” Thinking it over I finally decided on what action to take.

“Nao, have Stern, Kisinger, and Howard come to the main meeting room by the end of the day. And Callin, assign two of your best men to keep an eye on Juliette. I’ve let those three scheme and plot this entire time out of respect for my father. Now it’s time they be reminded nothing lasts forever.”

I stood up, as the door to my office was shoved open revealing my mother. Her face red as she stomped in completely ignoring Nao and Callin.

“You,” she yelled when her eyes fell on me. “Why did Pastor Elech’s wife call me to wish me congratulations on a marriage I knew nothing about?”

I pressed two fingers to my temple. I’d been planning on setting up a meeting with my family to tell them the news. Since I’d been busy with Juliette, I’d forgotten. Now I was staring at my obviously irate mother, this was the scenario I’d been trying to avoid.

The only thing worse than dealing with an angry Linton, was dealing with an angry Audrey Linton.

I gave both Nao and Callin a meaningful look, the two of them immediately left the office, shutting the door behind them. Focusing on my mother, I tried to calm her down by saying, “Something came up. I had no other choice but to push the date ahead.”

“Mihai, deciding to have a wedding in September instead of November, is pushing it up. Not getting married overnight in a ten-minute ceremony,” she hissed. “I could even have accepted an intimate private wedding. But you got married in a kitchen, a fucking kitchen,” she yelled.

“I couldn’t drag it out any longer.” I tried keeping my calm in the face of her spiraling into near hysterics. The only person who could raise their voice and completely lose their shit on me and live to tell the tale was my mother.

Incredulous, she seemed to have reached the end of her rope and exhaled. Straightening and smoothing her hair back so that she once again resembled the social matriarch of the Linton family, she said, “Okay, I’m okay. What you’re going to do is have a party to celebrate the marriage of you and Juliette. You are going to invite everyone in our circle, and we will tell them you had a whirlwind romance and decided to do something adventurous, and got married in Las Vegas.”

I squinted my eyes in amusement, no one would believe that shit. That I, Mihai Linton, had gotten married in Las Vegas. Still in the spirit of keeping my mother from attacking me I decided to simply nod along.