Page 47 of Big Daddy Sheriff

They’d agreed to stay behind and watch the town, so Quinn knew the teasing was in jest. But he did figure it might be difficult for them to be there, seeing the Daddies with all their Littles while they were still searching for theirs. He knew that feeling well.

Turning their attention back to the issue at hand, Cane said, “A few guys rolled through here earlier in the evening. At first, we only noticed two in the car, but when they came back by a second time, we saw the third guy in the backseat.”

“They came back?” Quinn asked. That apprehension he’d been feeling was growing by the second.

“Yep. We were ready for ‘em,” Cane said. “Hopped in my truck and tailed ‘em as they left town, heading east. Didn’t do anything illegal. But they seemed mighty suspicious.”

“This isn’t anything but a hunch of ours,” Walker added. “But I hope we don’t see them in town again. If you ask me, they were up to no good.”

“Did you get their plates?” Quinn questioned.

“Sure did,” Cane answered with a grin. “Figured you’d ask for those.” He reached into his pocket, pulled out a little piece of paper, and passed it to the marshal. “Tennessee. Not Arkansas.”

“I’m much obliged to y’all,” Quinn said, holding up the slip of paper.

“You let us know if you need anything,” Cane offered with a friendly wave.

“We might not carry guns, but hell, we can turn the hoses on ‘em,” Walker chimed in.

Quinn chuckled as he hurried back to his truck.

He was eager to run those plates.


Theo went to bed a little after ten o’clock, leaving the Littles to eat their junk food and watch their scary movies.

The women gave it about thirty minutes and then Grace crept quietly into the bedroom and then back down the hall.

“He’s out.”

The others giggled.

“We ready?” Janie asked.

“Ready,” Grace said.

They opened the back door and stood as still as statues, seeing if the slight noise stirred the sleeping Daddy.

Once they were satisfied the coast was clear, they filed onto the deck and down the steps, moving slow so their footsteps wouldn’t be too loud atop the wood.

They continued at the measured pace, not wanting to trip in the dark clearing before reaching the tree house. It was a little scary climbing up the ladder at night, but they reached their destination without incident. Grace used her cell phone as a light to locate one of the backpacks they’d stashed up there earlier. She pulled out the flashlights and passed them out.

“Everyone sure they want to do this?” she asked.

“So sure!” Mindy declared.

Belinda looked a little nervous, so Alyssa leaned over and said, “Stick with me, little sis. We’ll have a good time.”

Belinda smiled at that and nodded, keeping the binky between her lips.

“Come on. Let’s go find Bigfoot!” Janie cried.

The women tried to contain their laughter as they scampered down from the treehouse and set out into woods.

This was going to be an epic evening.

Theo yawned as he opened the front door.