Page 33 of Big Daddy Sheriff

“What do you mean?”

She sat the cardboard bowl of ice cream on the tabletop and shifted on the wooden bench until she was facing Quinn. “Lana is my mother. Biologically, at least. But she’s not my mom!”

Quinn nodded but didn’t press, instead giving his sweet girl time to form her words. She’d tell him when she was ready.

It took nearly two minutes, but finally she explained, “I was adopted as a baby. Like, my adoptive parents—but I call them myrealparents—took me home from the hospital. They were an older couple who could never have kids of their own. Not elderly, but not young newlyweds, either.”

“I gotcha.” Quinn nodded, waiting for her to say more.

Alyssa noticed the ice cream was already melting in the harsh August sun, so she spooned another bite into her mouth. “Aftermy parents died, I set out to find my bio mom and dad. It took some doing—even had to get an attorney to unseal some records—but I tracked them down. At least her. He was already gone.”

“That’s when you met Lana, huh?” he said.

“Sure was. I was so excited,” she said. She had her spoon backward, resting on her bottom lip, as she stared absentmindedly across the road. “I found out she was a state senator and local business owner. She made a big deal about how she’d regretted giving me up and how she’d always prayed I was out there, thriving and all that.” She took another bite of ice cream, letting it melt on her tongue. “I knew she’d never replace the parents who raised me. But I was excited to have that relationship. It was great.” She looked back at Quinn. “Until it wasn’t.”

He nodded, indicating that he understood.

“She put me working in her main office. It’s sort of the catch-all for her business operations.”

Quinn was starting to see a mental image in his mind. He figured he knew the answer to his next question but asked it anyway. “Are the politics real? Or just a means to an end?”

“Ha! She’s about the furthest thing from a true believer as you can get,” Alyssa said. “She’s good at spouting off everything her base wants to hear. And they eat it up. But the causes aren’t what she’s really after.”

“Power?” Quinn said.

With a glob of melting ice cream in her mouth, Alyssa shook her head. After swallowing, she said, “Beats me. But I think it’s more money. She doesn’t really care about rising higher. She’s got a sweet setup right where she’s at. She’s on some committees. And I don’t know the extent of it, but I’ve seen enough to know the bribes and kickbacks and all that keep her flush with cash.” Alyssa scowled. “Add to that her otheroperations… drugs, sex workers, and other stuff. Well, you’ve got one evil little empire.”

Quinn covered her hand with his. “And when you found out about it, you went to the law.”

“I had to! She might be my birth mother, but I’m not okay with any of that.” She sank a little lower on the bench. Her voice had a glum quality when she said, “That’s why I was scared to tell you all this. I didn’t want you to associate me with her. You know? Like maybe you’d think, ‘Oh, her mom’s a criminal so she probably is, too.’ I don’t share her values. Or lack of. I promise.”

Quinn turned to face her, taking both of her hands in his and pulling her as close as their seated positions would allow. “Honey, you never have to worry about that with me. I know you.”

“We just met,” she said with a playful smile.

He chuckled. “True. But a Daddy knows when he’s found his sweet girl. Andyouare definitelymysweet girl. I know your heart. What your biological mother is or isn’t has nothing to do with you.”

She inched closer. “Can I give you an ice-cream kiss, Daddy?”

“You kidding? Those are the best kind.”

She giggled. Her lips were cold, but the kiss was plenty hot.

Once they’d pulled away, she asked, “Do you think those guys will come back?”

“You might know more than me. How determined is Lana?”

“More driven than anyone I’ve ever seen,” Alyssa replied with obvious fear filling the pronouncement.

He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “They might stay away. They know law enforcement is keeping an eye out. But either way, don’t worry. You’re always safe with Daddy.” He kissed the top of her head.

A few moments later, after they’d both eaten the last of their frozen treats, he asked, “What do you want to do?”

She seemed to know what he meant by the question. She said, “Honestly, I just want to forget all about it. I mean, I’ll testify if they charge her again, but I don’t want to just sit around and dwell on it.”

He kissed her again. “Then, little girl, get ready. Daddy will help you forget all about it.”