Page 30 of Big Daddy Sheriff

“The garage is closed, too. Your car isn’t visible right now. A tracker of some sort is the only thing that makes sense,” Quinn said. He stopped pacing and leveled his gaze at her. “I want you to stay with me. You need around-the-clock protection.”

The words shocked her. Despite his overwhelming hospitality—and the closeness they’d come to know in such a short time—she’d figured he was ready to have her out of his hair. She’d brought trouble from Arkansas right to his front door.

“I don’t want to impose, Quinn.”

“You’re not. You’re in Big Cedar. I’m the marshal. It’s my job to protect any and all citizens in my town.”

“But I’m just a visitor,” she countered.

“Doesn’t matter,” he said. “Besides, it goes beyond all that.” He stepped toward her once again and took her hands in his. There was an intimacy in the way he held them. “I would protect you no matter what. It’s the right thing to do. But I’m sure as hell not going to let anything happen to the Little girl of my dreams.” He grinned. “Darlin’, I’ve been waiting my whole life for you. I’m not about to lose you now.”

Alyssa’s words and breath caught in her throat as Quinn’s lips moved to hers.

The kiss started slow and light, but soon, urgency and passion overtook them. Even when it had ended, they stood there in the living room as he held her tightly.

She had found her Daddy.

He had found his Little.

Neither wanted to ever let go.


“Why can’t we play outside?” Mindy asked.

Joe, stocking a shelf in the back room of the store, just shook his head but didn’t look away from his work as he answered. “I suspect those guys aren’t coming back to town. But just to be on the safe side, stay in for a while.”

“For how long?”

The tone of her question caused him to finally stop his work and look her way. “For as long as your Daddy says. Now, do we need to talk about this any further?”

The meaning of the question wasn’t lost on the Little. She gulped and said, “No, Daddy.”

“Good girl.”

Joe went back to stocking the shelf. Mindy grumbled under her breath as she trudged back toward the other women. In a play area set up along the back wall, Janie, Belinda, and Aylssa sat at a big, oversized plastic table, coloring.

“This sucks,” Janie complained.

“Sorry, guys. I didn’t mean to ruin things for everyone,” Alyssa said.

“Hey, we didn’t mean it like that.” Janie frowned.

“Yeah,” Mindy added. “This isn’t your fault.” She squeezed her new friend’s hand.

The door opened and Quinn strolled in, along with some of the other men from around town. Alyssa recognized three guys as the ones she’d seen at the café. The other was introduced to her as Doc Worden. She gave him a little wave. He smiled back, nodding in greeting, but then turned his focus to the other men as they started talking.

Alyssa stepped toward them. She hadn’t been invited to the conversation, but she figured it pertained to her.

She was right.

“We searched the town and there’s no sign of anyone else,” Quinn said. “I reckon those fellas won’t be coming back. Not anytime soon, at least.” He looked in the direction of the coloring Littles and said, “Obviously, they’re not mine to give orders to. This one is, though.” He smiled as he took hold of Alyssa’s arm and gently tugged her toward him.

It felt good to hear him say that.

Yes, she was his.

And would be forever.