We sit naked on the huge bed in the bedroom—or thecabin, as Riggs informed me. I’ve also learned that the kitchen is thegalley, and the bathroom is thehead. And yes, I made blow job jokes when he told me that.

“I can’t believe you made me a diploma from Book Boyfriend University,” he says, staring at the official-looking document with a huge grin on his face. “And I graduated summa cum laude.”

“Only the highest honors for my man,” I tell him, leaning forward for a kiss.

“Are you going to do this for all your clients?”

I nod. “I think so. It’s a cute idea. But you’re the only one who will be receiving a report card.”

He glances at the ivory cardstock resting on the nightstand and chuckles that low, deep laugh that never fails to tighten my nipples to hard points. “Probably a good idea since you included some very naughty and… inventive categories.”

“You’re also the only one that will be getting these,” I sing, pulling a clear plastic bag from the drawer.

Riggs’s eyes light up, and his voice goes an octave higher in excitement. “I get gold stars?”

“Yep,” I say, popping the P, pulling out a huge metallic star and affixing it to his chest, directly over his heart. “This is my favorite part of you.”

A mischievous grin rips across his face as he reclines and lifts his hips, waggling his magnificent dick at me. “And what’s your second-favorite part, Libby-girl?”

For the next thirty minutes we laugh and kiss as we cover each other with shiny gold stars. “I can’t believe you put fifteen of them on my ass,” I say with a giggle once we’ve emptied the bag.

Riggs pulls me into his arms and gives me a light swat on the butt. “You, my dear, have a fifteen-star ass. Highly recommend.”

“I’m glad you added me to your cart,” I tell him cheekily, and he thumbs the star over my left nipple.

“I’m buying this yacht,” he says suddenly.

“Okay,” I say, my heart swelling with happiness.

“This is the first place we said those three little words to each other, so I guess I’m buying the memory for us.”

“That’s sweet, Riggs. If I had another star, I would put it on your chest.”

He plasters our sparkle-covered bodies together and kisses the tip of my nose. “I want to spend my days with you out here on the water. I can do paperwork and marketing for the marina, and you can write to your heart’s content.”

“Words and water,” I say dreamily, and Riggs gently holds the side of my face, his blue eyes shining with adoration.

“Words and water,” he repeats. “And love, Libby-girl. Always love.”

Epilogue - Riggs


“You get everything set up?” I whisper to Darryl as Libby chats with Joe. The old guy retired a few months ago and turned everything over to me, but he still comes to the marina almost every day. He can’t help himself, claiming his blood is fifty percent salt water.

“All done,” Darryl says, glancing up at me from the flounder he’s cleaning.

“And you put the thing on the… you know,the thing?”

“The thing is on the thing,” he confirms, looking over his shoulder and smiling as Joe waves his hands animatedly as Libby nods along. “She’s a good woman, Riggs.”

“The best,” I say on an exhale of pure nervousness. “I think we’re going to head out now.”

“Good luck, and Happy New Year’s Eve.”

“Thanks. Same to you.” I stroll over to the bench where Joe is explaining to Libby that Vienna sausages are actually made from chopped up aliens.

“That’s fascinating,” she says. “I guess I thought aliens would taste more… gamey.”