And that’s where we are now, our slick bodies grinding together in an unhurried dance of satiation. My gaze takes her in, the dreamy eyes, the blonde hair falling out of her ponytail, the upward curve of her lips and flush of her cheeks that can only come from being utterly satisfied.
Guilt begins to seep in around the edges of my psyche. I haven’t even taken this woman on a date yet I show up at her house, eat her pussy, and then attempt to fuck her through the door.
She doesn’t seem bothered in the least though. Libby clings to me and rests her damp cheek sweetly on my shoulder, a move so feminine, it makes me want to cuddle up and stroke her body for the rest of the night.
“Please tell me this wasn’t a one-and-done,” she mumbles against my neck.
Lifting her chin until we’re face-to-face, I tell her, “I’m not a one-night-stand kind of guy, Libby. I know I didn’t act like it tonight, but I really love being with you, and I don’t mean sexually, though you did just blow my damn mind.”
“I know, Riggs.” She leans into my body, and I can feel the strong, fast beat of her heart. “I like spending time with you too. I’m so glad you came over.”
That assuages a metric-ton of the apprehension I was holding on to, and I rub her back. “And to answer your question, hell yes, we’re going to do that again.”
Her grin is wide and infectious. “Good. I need to ice my vagina for about an hour, and then I’ll be good to go again.”
I laugh and hold her close as I carry her upstairs to her loft bedroom.
Iawaken in the dark and immediately smile. I’m in my soft, cozy bed with a long, lean blonde wrapped in my arms. We’d come to my house last night because I had to take care of Ace, and I’d asked Libby to come with me. Thank god she’d agreed because I wanted to spend all the time in the world with her.
After checking the time on the bedside clock, I lean up on one elbow and kiss Libby's cheek. “Baby?” I whisper, not wanting to startle her. She stirs and presses her fine ass back against my crotch.
“Again?” She says it amenably, and not in agood lord, you want to fuck again?way. Which is how Lucinda used to say it when I wanted sex more than once.
But Libby—this beautiful, wild woman—has a sexual appetite that rivals my own. We went at each other all night, with long naps in between. Once I’d roused with a warm mouth around my cock, her soft suction gently waking me from a bone-deep sleep.
“No, baby. I mean, yes. Always yes with you, but first I thought you might like to watch the sunrise from my balcony.”
She rolls over, and I can feel the curve of her smile against my neck. “Yes, please.”
Turning on the bedside lamp, I get up and grab us some clothes, wrapping Libby in my fluffy lavender robe. Don’t judge. My sister bought it for me as a joke, but I kinda love it. I slip on a sweatshirt and pajama pants and lead Libby out the glass doors to my flagstone balcony.
The first hint of the sun lightens the strip of sky just above the water as I settle onto a sling-back patio chair with the most gorgeous woman in the world curled in my lap.
As the yellow orb turns the sky into a rainbow of pastels, the scene before us is simply majestic. But the beauty of it pales in comparison to Liberty Hill. The emerging sunlight sets her hair aglow. Her locks hang loose and messy down her back, the ponytail having been disposed of during one of our romps.
I like her like this, and I can feel the earth shifting beneath us. Nuzzling my nose against her cheek, I say her name. “Liberty.”
“Hmm?” She turns her pretty face toward me, and I can see a few freckles dusted across her nose.
“I meant what I said last night. I’m not into one-night stands. Do you think you’d…” I inhale a deep breath and expel it, letting the air take the nervous butterflies with it. “Do you think you’d like to be with me?”
She’s silent for a long moment, her eyes searching mine. “Are you sure that’s what you want? You had a girlfriend about five minutes ago.”
My fingers tangle in the hair above her right ear, and I pull her toward me for a tender kiss. “That’s been over for a while. I was just too dumb to realize it. But I think being with you is the smartest thing I’ve done in a long time.”
“Genius, really,” she comments, making me smile. “I’d love to give this thing between us a try.”
Relief floods my every vein, and I pull her head to my shoulder. “That makes me happy.”
Libby sighs as we resume our sky watching “It’s so easy being with you, Riggs, and the chemistry is off the charts. People who say physical stuff doesn’t count are deluding themselves. You make me feel special when we’re together.” She cuddles closer, and I can hear the smile in her voice. “Even when you go all panther on me.”
“Panther?” I ask with a laugh, and she gazes up at me.
“Oh, don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. Every time you came back from the bathroom, you prowled at me like a big, dark cat.”