“Good, maybe we can go fishing again. I’ll call you next time I feel the need to be spanked.”
I prop one hand on my hip and point to the door with the other, my face a mock scowl. “Out. I’m not having this conversation with you, Romero.”
He laughs, a long and deep sound that rumbles directly into my bones. “I won’t bring it up again.” Then he shocks the crap out of me by pulling me into a hug. “Thanks for everything you’ve done for me, Liberty.”
He smells like the ocean, even in his tailored suit, and I inhale as I return his hug. “You’re welcome.” My voice is thick with emotion as he releases me and heads for the door.
Once he’s gone, I stare at the spot where he disappeared until I hear a throat clear behind me.Shit, my friends are still on my computer screen.
I paste on my most innocent smile and sit back down at my small table. Three sets of wide eyes stare back at me.
“Wasthatyour Amazon order?” Gemma asks, her eyebrows almost disappearing into her hairline. “Because those bastards never show me anything like that in the suggestions.”
Letting loose with my loud, goofy laugh, I shake my head. “No, his dog chewed my flip-flops, so he insisted on replacing them.”
JoJo leans forward until all we can see is her face. “Gemma, Ava, did you see what I just saw?”
“See it?” Ava asks, fanning herself with one hand. “I could practically smell the pheromones through the computer.”
“You know how we always write about electricity snapping in the air between our couples?” Gemma points at me through the screen. “Thatjust happened in real life.”
“Y’all are crazy,” I scoff, staring at the corner of the screen so I don’t have to look them in the eyes. Because I feel that electric sensation every time I’m with Riggs Romero.
As I drive away from Libby’s house, I try to decipher all the feelings that have been swirling in my head since she said our business is concluded. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt more… discontent.
While I haven’t been excited by my relationship with Lucinda for a long time, a dissatisfied feeling now hangs over my head. Like a storm cloud waiting to douse me with gloom.
Have I been in denial about my happiness for months? In all honesty, yes, but I’ve been pushing it all down and ignoring it. Like a disease you know you have, but if you avoid going to the doctor and getting the diagnosis, you can deny its existence.
But the thought of not seeing Libby again brings that disease to the surface and makes it impossible to ignore. The ache to get to know her better is palpable, a visceral thing that’s crawled inside me and refuses to leave.
I can’t deny I’m attracted to Liberty Hill. And I’m fully aware you can’t help finding another person attractive. What you can control is how you react to it. I’m not some cheating asshole. I’ve never been unfaithful to a woman, and I never would be.
That doesn’t assuage the guilt I feel though, the thought that I’m being mentally unfaithful. I find myself thinking about Libby all the time, wondering what she’s doing, wanting to send her a funny meme or joke I found. I’ve tried my best to stop it, but she just pops into my head at random times.
So I know what I have to do.
I need to break things off with Lucinda. We’re obviously not suited, and it’s not fair to either of us to carry on like this. Hell, we barely see each other anymore except when we go for our weekly visits to Nana’s.
Nana. My only weak spot in this decision. The Romeros and the Farinas always spend Thanksgiving together, and I don’t want to make things awkward, so I think I’ll try to get through tomorrow and then cautiously bring it up to her.
And then… so many maybes. Maybe Nana will understand if I explain that I'm unhappy. Maybe Libby will want to explore this thing between us. Maybe she’s feeling the same intense chemistry I’ve been trying so hard to suppress.
Even if I’m reading the signals wrong and Libby isn’t interested in me, I still don’t want to continue this charade with Lucinda. We don’t love each other, and I can’t fathom a pathway to those kinds of feelings with her.
And that’s why I have to at least try to broach the subject with Nana Viv. Even taking Libby out of the equation completely, I still have no desire to stay in this farce of a relationship. Liberty Hill was merely the catalyst that made me realize how much I’m having to force myself to be with Lucinda.
Silvia is right. Nana wouldn’t want this for me.
A honk snaps me out of my reverie, and I realize the traffic light has turned green. Pressing my foot on the accelerator, I drive through the intersection and head back to the office for my afternoon meeting.
“Mister Romero, Ms. Farina is here to see you.”
“Send her in, Mackenzie.”