Nodding in understanding, I say, “That’s a shame. Penis status transparency is very important.”
I feel a hand on my leg. I recognize that hand. I fucking love that hand. “I’d like to know for sure,” she tells me, sliding her hand up until it’s cupping my cock, which immediately pops up to say hello.
Swear to god, I think I love this woman.
Finally, Mills speaks. “A-are you rubbing his junk?”
She smiles at him. “I am.” Giving me a squeeze beneath the table, she says, “Wow, Riggs. You’re bigger than Bruce.”
“Bruce Willis?” Mills asks. “Because that dude gives off some serious BDE.”
For fuck’s sake.
Libby giggles. “No, I’m talking about Bruce Banner. That’s what I call my vibrator.”
Salazar’s beer bottle slips from his hand, and he barely catches it before it spills. “Y-you named your vibrator after the Incredible Hulk?”
I’m trying so hard not to laugh. Or moan. Because her hand is still on my goddamn dick.
“Yes,” she replies, the picture of nonchalance. “It’s green.”
“Really?” Salazar drawls. “I thought all vibrators were pink or purple.”
Are we seriously sitting here talking about vibrator hues?
“Those are the most popular, but you can definitely find more fun colors if you look,” she assures him before turning her attention back to me. “Can we go to your place, Romero?”
“Of course,” I tell her, having difficulty meeting her eye because I’m afraid I’ll laugh. “I just got a few new board games.”
“Dude,” I hear Mills say, disappointment evident in his tone.
“Do you have Yahtzee?” she asks brightly. “We could play a couple rounds, and then I could really use a good, solid weinering.”
Oh my fuck… this woman…
Mills chokes on his own tongue, and Salazar’s eyes look like they’re about to pop out of their sockets when I scrunch my face. “I dunno. That would make me feel kinda cheap, Libby. Picking up a girl in the bar and taking her home for some weinering.”
“The fuck?” Mills whispers, and I’m barely holding my hilarity inside.
“What if we were in a relationship?” Libby suggests, and I nod slowly.
“That could work. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
A smirk plays across her pretty lips. “As long as you’re a good kisser.”
In response, I wrap my hand around her braid and hold her in place as my lips descend on hers for a very long, very inappropriate kiss.
When we pull apart, Libby’s eyes are dreamy, but she says, “That wasn’t bad at all, Romero. You’ve got yourself a girlfriend. Now let’s go. I have my strap-on in my purse.”
“What?” Mills practically screams, but Salazar’s brown eyes narrow into shrewd slits as he points back and forth between us.
“They’re fucking with us, Mills. That was no first kiss.”
Libby’s mischievous smile does mushy things to my insides, and I think I’m fucking falling hard for this woman. When she tries to move her roving hand from my dick, I clamp my fingers around her wrist to hold it there.
“Finish your drink,” I tell her in a low voice, “and then we’re going back to my place.”
The green in her irises sparkles when she gives me a wink and turns back to my shell-shocked friends. “Okay, maybe Riggs and I have been seeing each other.” Her fingers drum against myballs, and I’m seriously about to haul this woman out of the bar and fuck her in the backseat of my truck.