“I’ll let you,” I tell him, and then I feel his thumb slide to where we’re joined and gather some moisture.

“This okay, Libby-girl?” he asks, smearing my arousal around my back hole.

“Yes. Please,” I beg, and his thumb slowly breaches the entrance. “God, I’m so full of you, Riggs.”

He presses in deeper, and then his other thumb follows the path of the first one, lubing up and then sliding in beside its counterpart. The sex becomes untamed and frenetic, his fingers gripping my butt cheeks while his thumbs explore my ass.

“You’re so tight back here, Libby. I’m going to wreck this tiny hole with my cock.”

Riggs is behind me so I can’t see him, but the sounds of our bodies slapping together and the thick smell of sex in the air surround me like a sensual cocoon of lust.

“Fuck, coming!” I cry out as a tidal wave slams over me.

“Me too,” he grunts, never letting up as he jerks inside me and fills the condom with his release. His voice is low and ragged. “God. Damn. Libby. Never. Come. This. Hard.”

I reach down and cup his balls, loving the taut feel of them as they pulse and contract in my hand.

Riggs pulls his thumbs out of my backside, and I collapse back onto his hard body, sweat drenching both of us.

“Hands down, that was the sexiest sex ever,” I inform him, and he chuckles as he turns sweet and presses gentle kisses across my shoulder.

“I couldn’t agree more, Libby-girl.”

After a shower, Riggs and I are on the king-sized bed between sheets that are so soft, they must have been woven by literal angels.

Our legs tangle as we face each other, whispering and laughing in the dark. It’s so damn intimate. I was afraid of this kind of connection at first. Sex is sex, but intimacy is something entirely different.

That’s why, besides the first night we spent together, I insisted on going home to sleep in my own bed every night afterward. It wasn’t Riggs; he’s been an excellent boyfriend this past week. It was me. He texted me multiple times a day, just to say hi or that he was thinking of me. We had dinner together every night, sometimes at restaurants, and sometimes at his house. Then we had insane gorilla sex that left me wrecked and sore.

But now, lying with this beautiful man after sharing my body with him, I have no idea why I’ve been so apprehensive. Despite his astounding good looks, he’s not a playboy. He’s deep and kind and loyal.

“I have an idea,” I tell him, nuzzling his neck.

“You’re naked in bed with me. I have lots of ideas,” he replies, mischief in his voice.

“Stop it, you maniac,” I say, swatting his firm butt. “You know that children’s home Gianna and Auburn were talking about tonight?”


“What if we could help out?” I tell him my thoughts, and he listens intently without speaking.

“I love that, Libby-girl. Count me in.” He kisses me slowly. “I love how big your heart is.”

I blush in the darkness.

Riggs smoothes a strand of my mussed hair behind my ear. “Can I ask you a question? If it’s too personal, you don’t have to answer.”

“You had your thumbs in my butthole less than an hour ago. I’m not sure we can get more personal than that.”

He laughs, and the sound vibrates the mattress. “I wanted to know if you’re on birth control.”

“I am. I’m on the shot.”

I can barely see his eyes in the dim light seeping in through a crack in the curtains, but they’re serious now. He rubs a lazy hand up and down my arm. “I want to sleep with you without a condom.”

“You do?”

“Yes. When and if you’re ready. I don’t sleep around, Libby, and I wouldn’t ask this if I wasn’t entirely serious about you. I know this has happened fast, but I’ve never been this drawn to a woman before. I think we’re something special.”