“She’s right,” Gemma says with a firm nod. “Libby wouldn’t sleep with a taken man.”

“She’d think about it,” JoJo says, and they all grin knowingly.

“Well, I’m not dead. I think every woman who’s seen him has thought about getting Riggs between their sheets.”And in theirshowers. And against their walls.And…“Anyway, my struggle is that I can’t seem to figure out anything for him to improve on.”

Ava twists a lock of dark-brown hair around one finger. “What did the girlfriend say in the application?”

“It was vague. She just wants him to be ‘swoonier,’ but she didn’t give specifics. I’ve questioned him a lot, and he knows all her preferences, seems attentive, and get this… for a souvenir from Colorado Springs, he bought her diamond earrings.”

“Wow, I was lucky to get a ball cap from Aiden when he went somewhere,” Gemma quips dryly.

A titter of amusement goes through the rest of the group. None of us has ever seen Gemma wear a ball cap. “See, that’s what I mean. A hat is a thoughtless gift for you, but Riggs bought Lucinda jewelry because he knows that’s what she likes.”

“Why don’t you contact this Lucinda and get more info from her,” Ava suggests.

Gemma nods. “That’s a good idea. People always try to put their best foot forward, but you never know what they’re like privately.”

“Okay, I’ll do that. Riggs just seems like a very thoughtful guy. Like, I mentioned that I wanted to go deep-sea fishing, so he took me for our first meeting. His friend has a charter business.”

“Did you see him shirtless?” Ava asks breathlessly.

“And bottomless,” I say, rolling my eyes, and everyone gasps. “Not like that. There was an… unfortunate incident.”

Gemma leans forward and widens her eyes. “Do tell.”

I recount the entire story about hooking Riggs and the ensuing chaos, including the impromptu spanking I delivered. By the end, the other girls are howling with laughter, and Ava actually disappears from the screen because she slides onto the floor like a limp noodle as the ridiculousness gets the better of her.

“That’s fucking hysterical, Libs,” Gemma wheezes. “Can I use that in my next boo?—”

“No,” I cut off with a good-natured roll of my hazel eyes. “I’m totally using it. My humiliation, my story.”

“Fair enough,” she grumbles. “At least tell me you wore the red bikini while you were spanking him. The one that practically shows your areolas?”

I giggle. “No, you ass. I wore the yellow one. Perfectly respectable.”

I remember the blue gaze that heated my skin more than the sun when Riggs looked at me that day, and I change the subject to distract from my blushing.

“Ava, how is your first client?”

Ava peeps up until her eyes are visible, and she lets out a tired sigh before sitting in her chair again. “I’m actually doing more of a classroom setting. I have three men, and two of them are so sweet and genuinely want my help. The third…”

Her eyes roll to the top of her head, and JoJo asks, “What’s wrong with the third guy?”

“He’s like Zach 2.0. He doesn’t seem to take the BBB or anything else seriously.”

“Just cut him loose and tell him maybe this program isn’t for him,” Gemma suggests.

“I did, but then he came back. And now it’s like a battle of wills. I’m not backing down until he does. Maverick McKinney has met his match as far as stubbornness goes.” Her green eyes blaze with determination as she jabs a finger against her desk, and I feel a little sorry for this Maverick dude.

“What about you, JoJo?” Gemma asks.

“I met with Jacob last week. It was a quick coffee to discuss what he was looking for and how or if we could help. About an hour after the meeting, he confirmed he did want my help. I’m meeting with him again this afternoon. We will cover some do’sand don’ts when attempting to court a woman. I’m hosting a Friendsgiving at the farm and inviting the girl he’s had his eye on for a while now, so fingers crossed he doesn’t get trigger shy.”

“What about Colton, the guy you got snowed in with?” I ask.

JoJo’s lip curls in derision. “Oh, you mean Boston’s most eligible bachelor?”

“Yes, isn’t he your brother’s best friend?” Gemma asks. “Sounds like a romance book waiting to happen.”