“Yeah, because I let my stupid ex talk me into having her name tattooed on my fucking cock.” He sighs and runs a hand over his blond hair. “I really like this new woman. A lot. She’s freaky as hell, but she’s also fun to be with. It was the best first date I’ve ever had.”

“So did you finally unveil your little surprise?”

“First of all, it’s notlittle, and second, yes, I did. I turned on the lamp when we were done. After I’d softened her up with a few orgasms.”

“What did she do?” Salazar asks, leaning forward like the fucking gossip he is.

“She was surprised, of course, and then… wait, let me back up. Did I tell you new girl’s name?” We both shake our heads, and he announces with a flair of his hands, “Erica.”

Salazar and I stare at him in shock for a long beat. “The same name as your ex? The same name that’s tattooed on your damn dick?” I ask.

“Yep,” Mills says, popping the P. “And she automatically thought I’d gotten the name tattooed on my penisfor her.”

“Oh my fucking god,” Salazar breathes. “You told her the truth, right?”

“I was going to, but then she scooted down and started sucking me off. And let me tell you, the woman’s mouth is fucking amazing. She could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.”

Salazar and I slowly turn to look at each other in incredulity. “Why does this shit never happen to me?” he asks.

“Because you dress like a prepubescent whoremonger.”

Mills slaps the table to bring our attention back to him. “Like I was saying, I really like Erica—the new one—and now I don’t know what to do.”

I shake my head. “I have so many questions. Do you only date women named Erica? Like some kind of name fetish?”

“No, it was purely coincidental.”

“You have to tell her,” I insist.

At the same time, Salazar says, “Don’t tell her.”

We discuss this ridiculous subject for a few minutes, and Mills finally decides he wants to try and make things work with New Erica, so he’s going to tell her the next time they get together.

I turn to signal the server for another drink, and something yellow catches my eye. My heart rate practically doubles, and my legs push me to a standing position without my permission.

“Libby,” I say as the blonde bombshell walks past our table dressed in a cute yellow sundress with a cherry print. Her hair is in one long braid that hangs over her shoulder, and her lips match the fruits on her dress.

Her eyes widen for a second, and then her lips curve into a genuine smile. “Riggs, hi! What are you doing here?”

“I’m having drinks with some friends. What about you?”

“Same. They just left, and I was on my way out.”

“Do you… um, do you want to sit down?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude,” she says sweetly.

The skin over my chest tightens. “It wouldn’t be an intrusion at all.”

“Yeah, you can class up the table a bit,” Salazar throws in as he stands and flashes a huge smile beneath that porny mustache of his. “We’d love to have you.”

“Okay,” she says cheerily. “If you’re sure.”

“Positive,” the lothario says, holding out a hand. “I’m Penn Salazar.”

“Nice to meet you, Penn. I’m Libby Hill.” Then she giggles. “I like your shirt.”

“What about the ’stache?” He rubs a finger and thumb over the stupid facial hair.