Sonya’s eyes narrow. “Why are you getting so snippy about it?”
I huff out a long breath. “I’m not. He’s just really nice.”
My friends share a look and both smile. “Oooh, Libby has a crush on her client,” Erica sings. “I smell a love triangle.”
“There’s no triangle or any other geometric shapes. He’s just… different from what I expected. I was picturing someone clueless with women, but he’s totally not, at least, from what I can tell so far.”
“I’m sure the red flags will appear soon, and you can take care of it,” Erica says. “There’s no such thing as a perfect man.”
“True,” I say, signaling the waitress for another round.
But Riggs Romero is pretty damn close.
Iapproach the booth and find Mills and Salazar already waiting. “Sorry I’m late, guys. What did I miss?”
“We were talking about whether or not Salazar should shave his ’stache,” Mills informs me.
I survey the bush on top of my friend’s lip. “You look like a porn star.”
“From the seventies or eighties?”
Assessing him once again, I proclaim, “Definitely the eighties.”
“Cool. That’s what I was going for.”
Sliding in beside Mills, I motion the waitress to bring me my usual. “Then keep it. Some women love a good mustache ride.”
“Speaking of that, did you see Salazar’s shirt?”
My other friend leans back in his seat and straightens his Barbie-pink T-shirt with a bold black font that reads,Real men don’t just wear pink… they eat it.
A chuckle rumbles up from my chest. “Fuck almighty, man. You really shouldn’t be allowed to mingle with the normal people.”
“We could chain him to his bed,” Mills suggests. “Come by and feed him a couple times a day.”
“As long as one of those times is a nice juicy?—”
I interrupt. “Yeah, yeah. We get the idea.”
“You and Lady Lucifer—I mean, Lucinda—still in a slump?” Mills asks, taking a sip of his beer, and I grind my teeth together. I got a little drunk and frustrated a couple weeks ago and spilled the secret of ourdry spell.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” I grump, and my friends share a knowing smile.
“That means yes,” Salazar says.
After the server drops off my McKenna on the rocks, I divert the conversation. “Mills, what’s going on with you?”
He leans forward and lowers his voice. “I saw that chick again. The hot one, and it was even more spectacular than the first time. This girl blows my fucking mind in bed.”
“Well, you know I fuck with the lights off.”
“We’re all aware why you do that,” Salazar says with a smirk.