Page 14 of Honey Sunshine

“So, like . . . a middle-school play?”

“Yeah, just like that.”

“Why do we need to practicethat?”

I step closer and slip my arm around his waist, and he goes completely stiff.

“See, that’s exactly why,” I say, observing his reaction. “You tensed up and went completely rigid the moment I touched you. I can’t help but notice you tense up and freeze whenever I touch you.”

I hope he’s just being bashful and not actually recoiling in disgust at my touch.

His brows knit together. “I do?”

“You do. If we’re supposedly dating, we should also be more comfortable in that department. If you get a tad too jumpy, I think Mom might pick up on it and promptly kill me on the spot for roping you into this. So we should get more practice at that and... you know, everything in between, like... kissing.”

“Ah . . . right.”

Neither of us makes a move though. We just stand there in this weird, uncomfortable tension. My mind fills with loud, conflicting thoughts to battle the uneasy silence.

I went too far, didn’t I? I already blew this plan and skewered any good thoughts he had about me because I thoughtkissing practicewas a good idea.

I’m an idiot.

Taking my arm from his waist, I break the silence.

“Sorry, this is a bad idea.”

“No, I can do it,” he interjects, straightening his back. But his face is redder than a cherry tomato.

“You don’t have to force yourself.” Just as I’m about to step away from him, his hands shoot out to grasp my shirt.

“I’m not. It’s just... just give me a moment.”

He takes a deep breath before closing his eyes and scrunching his entire face.

I try not to laugh. “What are you doing?”

“Thinking of you in your underpants,” he answers, eyes still shut tightly.


“It’s supposed to help with the nerves, but it’s only making things worse and—don’t laugh!”

“I’m sorry,” I wheeze, looping my arms around his waist again. His whole body trembles against me as if struck by a live wire.

“It’s not funny,” he grumbles. “It usually works.”

“Maybe with other guys,” I muse.

We stare at each other, awkward tension hanging between us. “So... ready?”

Zach’s gaze flicks to my mouth. “Ready.”

I run my hands slowly down the length of his back, feeling the lean muscles even through the fabric of his shirt. Just being this close to him makes my adrenaline race. “Kiss me, then.”

Zach’s breath hitches. He hesitates, seeming unsure how to proceed.

Yeah, this is clearly not going to work.