Page 66 of Evan

The love that we share makes life so sweet.

Together we’ll always be.

This pledge of love feels so right.

And ooh, I need you.

Here and now, I promise to love faithfully,

You’re all I need.

Her and now, I vow to be one with thee (you and me)

Your love is all I need.’

By the time the song ended, he was a quagmire of emotions and tears were burning the back of his eyes. At the end of the chorus, she walked towards him with her hand outstretched as she finished the song and handed the microphone to someone who rushed forward to take it from her.

His hand held hers and he just simply stared at her, unable to function or even find the words.

Clearing his throat, Pastor William invited the guests to sit so that the ceremony could begin. He started with a prayer to bless the couple and followed up by reading of Ephesians 5: 25-33 and spoke about the husband loving the wife as Christ loves the church.

“Cassandra is more than a mere member of the church. She is the heart of it. This young woman has proven herself to be a mover and a shaker in the ministry and one cannot help but admire her.” He paused and stared at her for a moment. “She is also a daughter to me and often brings me comfort during my rough times.

She is sweet and wonderful and genuine in her faith. I have learned a lot from her.” He smiled. “It’s funny the way the Lord works. He brought this young man into our lives, into hers unexpectedly and we never dreamed that we would be standing here at a time like this.

But he has proven to be the man for her. He loves her and that much is obvious. She loves him as well and we are going to pray that their union be blessed. Now enough of me and my speech, the couple desire to repeat their own vows.”

Turning her to face him, Evan threaded his fingers through hers, his grip tight. “That was some surprise you gave me. I had no idea what was going on.” His smile wobbled as he stared into her eyes.

Everyone else faded away and it was just them. “I came here reluctantly to hand over a check, to improve the image of my company and there you were, insisting that I take the tour.

I told myself that I would be here and gone in a few minutes, but you prolonged that, and it was the turning point of my life.” He drew in a breath. “You have changed my life Cassandra Latoya Daley. I had stopped believing in God and miracles before you came along.

Now I see sunshine, hope and dreams every single moment of the day. I notice flowers blooming, even though we are in the beginning of winter. The air smells wonderful and your smile makes everything worthwhile. I listen to your melodious voice and am soothed by the cadence. You are light to my life.

I am not afraid of anything as long as you are next to me, cheering me on and I promise before all of our family and friends that I will love and cherish you for the rest of my days.I am asking the Lord for a long life so that I can fulfill that promise. I am here for you, and it is just you. I see you darling, I love you and I always will.”

She drew a shaky breath, and the tears slid down her cheeks. “And he told me he was not a poet.” She waited until the laughter had ended before resuming.

“Evan Andrew Davenport, I love you. It is not as simple as that of course, it’s much more. I did not expect anything like this, but I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you, that you were the one. It took some time for you to get on board, but I forgive you.”

She waited again for the applause and laughter to end before continuing. “You are my mate, my companion, the man God has given to me and for the rest of my life, I will love you with my body and honor you.

It’s God first and foremost and then it’s you. I will listen to you, be with you no matter what and I will continue to pray for you until I draw my last breath. This promise I make in front of God and all our guests. Your love will sustain me when I am feeling low and will be the anchor that keeps us from drifting apart.”

There was silence for several minutes before Pastor William broke the profound spell and asked for the rings.


The lavish reception was being held in the Great Hall, instead of the hotel the wedding planner had suggested. Cassandra had rejected that idea because she wanted the entire congregation to be in attendance and not feel out of place as some of them would have been in a fancy hotel.

“It does not matter that your company owns it,” she told him. “I want my kids to be comfortable.” And everyone had been so grateful to be included, they had gone out of their way to decorate the place.

The food had been catered locally by members of the church and had the out-of-town guests going for seconds and thirds. The atmosphere was one of conviviality and happiness, with the congregation welcoming everyone with open arms.

They had already adopted Evan as one of their own and elderly ladies treated him as their son. They were not intimidated by his vast wealth and status in life, and he was frequently referred to as ‘Cassie’s gorgeous young man.’

They would be spending their wedding night at the cottage and attending church services on Sunday before jetting off to several destinations.