Page 58 of Evan

He felt his heart turning completely over and he had to take breaths to steady himself.

“I know.”

“I am not sure I know how to be with you.”

“You are doing a fine job.”

“I never asked for riches. In fact, I have learned how to be satisfied with whatever the Lord provided. I always knew I wanted to go to college and educate myself. Whenever I pictured my life, it would be with a regular guy, and we would be buying a house by pooling our resources.” Her hands fidgeted with the utensils.

“My credit is excellent, so it would not be a problem for the bank to offer us a loan. I would scour antique stores looking for unusual, but affordable bargains. Now…”

“Now, you are with a man who can afford several houses.” Leaning forward, he took her slender hands in his, admiring the unadorned nails and the elegant fingers. “Now you are with aman who can take you all over the world and shower you with the best of everything.”

“And it scares me,” she whispered. “I don’t want to change, Evan. I want to remain unspoiled. And I am going to end up giving away so much of your money to people in need. I am sure that’s not something you want.”

“Firstly, there are things in place that even I cannot touch the bulk of my wealth. Everything is directly tied up in assets. I earn a salary, perhaps not like everyone else, but I am accountable to the board. Second, you will never change. Who you are is too firmly ingrained for that to happen.

And thirdly, I don’t have a problem with you lending a helping hand. If I see you are giving away more than we have, I will mention it to you. And finally.” He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. “You are going to want to leave something for our children.”


He nodded, eyes twinkling. “Four, I think.”

He watched as she swallowed. “I think the person with the uterus should have the final say as to the amount.”

He inclined his head graciously. “You are absolutely right. What number were you thinking?”

“Four.” Her eyes danced as he sent her a wry look.

“Witch.” He whispered just as their meal was served.

He watched her throughout the evening and had to admit that it was the best date he had ever been on. She was natural at everything. She laughed and had no problem enjoying herself to the fullest.

The waitstaff loved her vivacity and she insisted on sending her compliments to the kitchen. By the middle of meal, sheknew everyone’s names and was on first name basis with the employees. She made him laugh and was a terrific dancer, which took him completely by surprise.

“You were under the impression that because I am a child of God, I would not know how to dance?” She read him perfectly.

“Something like that. Where did you learn?”

“I go to parties and as a Black woman, we are naturally graceful.”

He held her close even though he knew he was going to have to pay for it when he was alone. But the feel of her slender curves against him was something he could not resist. Her perfume was delicate, a subtle, flowery scent that tickled his senses.

Her arms were around his neck and her head was resting on his chest in complete trust and acceptance. He had noticed the flashes going off and realized that they would make the society pages in the morning, but he did not care.

Nor did he want the night to end. Several of his acquaintances came over to speak to him, their expression quizzical. They did not know her because she did not belong to their society, so of course their curiosity was piqued. He introduced her as his girlfriend when he really wanted to introduce her as his fiancée.

As soon as they left the dance floor and the coffee and creamy Tiramisu was served, he brought up the topic.

“I think a December wedding would be perfect.” He said it casually as he took a sip of the excellent coffee.

“What?” She had been in the middle of spooning the dessert into her mouth when he spoke, and her movement was arrested.

“I know you want the frills and a church wedding, and I have no problem with that…”

“What are you saying?” She whispered, putting down her spoon.

“Oh, didn’t I mention it?” His eyes were laughing at her stunned expression. “I am in love with you, irrevocably, head over heels and the whole works - in love with you and I would like you to be my wife.