“Thanks for dinner. It was very nice.”
“Anytime. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
He looked into her eyes and for a moment, Abby thought that he was going to kiss her. Her lips tingled in anticipation. She was disappointed when he smiled at her and then walked back to his truck.
She stripped off her clothes, thinking about him. Her thoughts wandered to a different time and situation when they didn’t work together and she could have kissed him without worrying about the consequences.
In her mind, she could picture their bodies moving slowly together, and how it would feel when he touched her.
Shaking her head to get rid of the thoughts, she ran the cold water for a couple of minutes and then got out. She jumped into bed, her last thoughts of the handsome doctor who had captured her attention.
Work was normal the next day. She and Sawyer had gotten into a routine so everything ran smoothly. Abby was still certain that he was worried about something that he hadn’t told her about, but she wasn’t going to press him. She figured that he would tell her about it when he was ready.
Like normal, it was a constant stream of people. At one point, Abby looked at Sawyer and asked, “Are there really this many people in Angel’s Creek, or are they just going home, changing clothes, and coming back?”
He laughed. “There are a lot of people in Angel’s Creek and the surrounding areas. There are a couple of towns, even smallerthan this one, that dot the landscape. They don’t have any kind of medical facilities there, so they come here.”
“Makes sense,” she said.
Abby was tired when she got home. She walked into the house, put her purse on the table by the door, kicked off her shoes, and collapsed onto the couch. Telling herself that she was just going to close her eyes for a second, she fell asleep. Her buzzing phone woke her up.
Sean is working tonight. How about if I bring some Mexican food over?
Abby nodded and then realized that Xyla couldn’t see her.Sounds good.
She jumped into the shower and pulled on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt, just as Xyla knocked.
They hugged and then dug into the food.
“I still can’t believe that you managed to get this place fully furnished. It’s amazing.”
“Benny, who owns the inn, hooked me up.”
“He’s a nice man. I think his wife died a long time ago and he’s a little lonely. Sean says that he does a lot for people. He helped Zac’s wife when she first came to Angel’s Creek. Apparently, she was running from an ex-fiancé who wanted to kill her.”
“Wow. That’s awful,” Abby said. “At least my ex-boyfriend wasn’t that terrible. It was bad enough that I caught him having sex with our professor in her office.”
“That was a bad day. I remember him trying to explain himself that night while we were getting drinks. Your reaction reminded me of Andy Griggs’ song, ‘Kiss This’.”
“He had it coming.”
“How are you adjusting otherwise? I know you moved here because of me, but between Sean and my new online nursing job, I haven’t spent a lot of time with you.”
“It’s alright. It feels good just to get away from Mom and Dad. They were constantly hovering. I can’t tell you how unnerving it was to go into my apartment and find everything rearranged, cleaned, or whatever.”
Xyla raised her eyebrows and tilted her head slightly. “I can only imagine. The few times that I met them, they seemed to be a little, well, overwhelming.
“How are things at the clinic?”
“Good. Sawyer is amazing. He is great with the patients.”
Xyla studied her face and smiled knowingly. “Interesting.”
“What?” Abby tried to sound indignant but failed.
Knowing she couldn’t hide anything from her best friend, she sighed heavily. “I really like him. Every time I get near him, my entire body tingles. I’ve had a couple of… well… fantasizes about him, but I keep telling myself that he’s my boss and off limits.”