“I thought all your relatives were in New York?”
Brent nodded. “A lot of them are. Mom moved to Colorado when she married Dad. That’s how I ended up in New Mexico. I wanted to get away from home, but not too far.”
“That makes sense,” Abby said, unlocking the clinic door.
Brent held it open as she stepped inside.
He had just closed and locked the door behind him when two people, wearing suits, popped out of the hallway and rushed toward them.
“Brent Davis, you are under arrest. You are charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute and theft of a controlled substance. You have the right to remain…”
Jason’s voice was cut off when Brent pulled a knife out of his pants pocket, opened it, and grabbed Abby. He pressed the knife to her throat.
Her heart stopped and her breath caught in her throat. She started to panic.
Stop. Think. Panicking will only get you killed.
She forced herself to take deep, even breaths and assess the situation.
“Back off or I’ll kill her,” he snarled.
Abby could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck, and it sent an icy chill racing down her spine. She braced herself for whatever was coming next.
“Let her go,” Sawyer said, coming up behind them.
“No. I’m taking her with me. I know you’re a wolf shifter and if you so much as twitch wrong, I’ll slice her throat.”
Sawyer held up his hands. “Please don’t hurt her.”
Before anyone could do anything, Abby shifted. She landed on all fours, whirled around, and leaped before Brent could react. She bit his wrist so hard that he dropped the knife and it skittered across the floor.
The two feds raced over to Brent and picked him up. They snapped handcuffs on him, in spite of his howling that his wrist hurt.
“As I was saying, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?” Jason recited.
Brent snarled. “Go to hell.”
Millie, the other agent, yanked his arms a little further up his back. “Do you understand your rights as they were read to you?”
“Yes,” Brent hissed through gritted teeth.
Jason looked at Abby, who was still in her wolf form, since she had ripped her clothes.
“Nice move. You have a good day.”
Abby yipped. It was a sound that was a cross between a howl and a bark. She surprised herself when she did it.
Millie smiled at her and the feds marched Brent out the door.
Sawyer looked at Abby. “I think we need to talk.”
Abby followed him to his office and shifted after he closed the door. “We do need to talk, but do you by any chance have an extra set of scrubs I could borrow? I seem to have shredded mine.”
Sawyer hurried into the storage closet and brought back a set. “I keep a couple extra sets around for emergencies.”
She shifted and hurriedly got dressed.
“Now talk.”