Abby arrived with the three witches. Sawyer had four of the adult shifters come in first and put them in separate rooms. He, Abby, and the three witches made the rooms crowded.

Beth always started off by introducing the witches to those who didn’t already know them. Then, she gave them the same spiel.

“We created a potion that we think will reverse the symptoms of the virus. We know it was painful when your body was basically rearranging itself. I can’t promise that you won’t feel the same pain. You’re our guinea pigs. Therefore, we’ll need you to stay here so that we can observe you.”

They all agreed because the four of them were willing to try anything if it meant they could shift again.

Beth gave them the potion, while Savvy and Taryn repeated a spell, with their hands on the patient. After a couple of minutes, the shifters started feeling the same pain they did when they were struck by the virus.

The patients lay on the examining table and moaned. Beth advised against giving them any pain medication because she didn’t know whether the chemicals would interact with the potions.

“What now?” Sawyer asked.

“We wait.”

They sat in the lounge and talked quietly, getting up every half hour or so to check on everyone, crossing their fingers and hoping that the potion and spell would work.

Four hours later, they heard one of the shifters calling out, “Dr. Cooke. Come quick.”

All five of them ran into the patient’s room.

“Watch,” he said gleefully as he shifted from human to bear and back to human.

He hugged Beth, Savvy, and Taryn. “You did it. You saved me. What do I owe you?”

Beth held up two fingers. “Two things. First, please don’t say anything about the three of us.”

“My lips are sealed.”

“Second, pay it forward. Find someone who needs help and be kind to them. There’s enough greed and meanness in this world.”

Tears sprang into the man’s eyes, and he nodded.

Soon, the other patients called out. They were able to shift again. All of them agreed to Beth’s terms and left happy.

Over the next week, Sawyer set aside a couple of rooms for the shifters. Finally, everyone, including the younglings, was able to shift. Everyone was ecstatic to be back to normal again, and every one of them gladly agreed to Beth’s terms.

Friday afternoon, after the last patient left, Sawyer pulled Abby into his arms. “This has been a crazy few days. What do you say to some dinner and a movie?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Abby said. “Give me an hour to go home, shower, and change.”

They enjoyed a steak dinner to celebrate the success.

Abby raised her tea glass in a toast. “To another evil vanquished by hometown heroes.”

“I’ll drink to that.”

She invited him in after dinner. They didn’t even pretend to watch a movie. After locking her door and setting the alarm, she held his hand and pulled him into the bedroom.

Sawyer wrapped his arms around Abby, pressed his lips to hers, and got lost in the kiss. Their tongues met and danced together. Clothes seemed to melt away, and they fell into the bed together.

He reached down between her legs and felt her hot, wet pussy. Sawyer pushed two fingers in, stretching the velvety walls to help her prepare for his large cock. He rubbed her clit with his thumb, causing her to moan loudly. She moved her hips around his hand.

Sawyer nibbled and kissed her neck and teased her hard nipples as she cried out his name. When he felt the hot explosion on his fingers, he straddled her, positioned his large head at the entrance, and slowly pushed his way in.

Their bodies moved together in a rhythm that only their souls heard. Her hot, wet walls wrapped around his cock as he moved in and out of her, harder and faster. Abby’s fingers dug into his shoulders and she moaned his name.

Her body started to tremble and she pulsated around his dick.