Even if he has been on the mountain, he has to know that the laboratory has been raided and shut down. Why in the world is he still in town? He has to know that neither Dahlia nor Rick would have any loyalty to him and would spill his identity as soon as it would benefit them. Of course, they weren’t going to give us the information, just to hinder the investigation and aggravate us.Sawyer shrugged.Maybe he’s one of those stupid criminals they do television shows about. Anyone with half a brain would realize that the shifters wouldn’t rest until they hunted down every person responsible for hurting the younglings.
Sawyer was starting to worry that he was going to have to tackle Blake alone. It was his turn with the cashier, and she was very efficient. He would be outside in a matter of minutes. Sawyer surveyed the area and noted that the place wasn’t very busy since it was still early in the morning. Still, the few people who were there would be shocked to see two men turn into a wolf and bear and start fighting in front of the supermarket.
He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Sebastian, Julian, and Sebastian’s right-hand man, Anthony, approaching from one side. Zac and Josiah came in from the other.
“Is he still in there?” Zac asked.
Sawyer nodded. “He’s paying for the groceries now. I guess he and the others are getting hungry.”
Sebastian shifted his weight from one foot to the other, anxiously waiting for the man to come out of the store. “Why haven’t they moved on? Don’t they realize we would be hunting them?”
“I was wondering the same,” Sawyer said. “He just paid. Get ready.”
The men waited for Blake to walk out of the store and head toward a jeep that was similar to the one Dahlia had been driving. They surrounded him.
“What do you guys want?” he asked defiantly.
“We want you to come with us. Dahlia and Rick gave you, Jerome, and a few others up. You hurt children. We aren’t going to let that go. We’re going to hunt every single one of you down and you will face consequences.” Zac’s voice was low and deadly.
Blake’s face paled and his knuckles turned white as his grip on the cart tightened.
Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes. “We know you are a bear shifter. My friend, Julian, is a dragon shifter. He doesn’t even have to shift completely to evaporate you in an excruciatingly painful manner. You have a choice to come with us or to fight. I promise, you’ll lose.”
Slowly, Blake let go of the cart and put his hands up. “Fine. I’ll go with you.”
Sebastian cuffed him behind his back. “Where’s Jerome and the others?”
“I’m no snitch. If you want them, you will find them yourselves. It’s not like you’ll go easy on me if I tell you, anyway.”
“True enough,” Zac said. “Sebastian, take him to the ceremonial hall. I’ll call Lucious and Matthias and let them know we caught one of them.”
The alphas and elders met in the same conference room where they had planned the raid to hold a hearing for Blake. The younglings were brought in long enough to identify him as one of the men who had kidnapped them and taken them to the laboratory. They were whisked away as soon as they gave their statements. Blake didn’t bother denying the allegations.
Lucious spoke. “Your crimes against the younglings and other shifters were heinous. If I had my way, we’d put you in front of a dragon and be done with it. However, I’m overruled. You will spend the rest of your days on Charred Cove Island.”
Blake moaned. “I’d rather you kill me now and be done with it.”
Charred Cove Island was a small island north of Alaska. There was absolutely no way off the island. Even in the summertime, the water was extremely cold and would send a person into shock as soon as they jumped in. Food and other supplies were brought in by helicopter. Prisoners were strictly guarded and forced to perform hard labor eight hours a day. It made Alcatraz look like a summer camp for children.
Sawyer looked at Blake with hard eyes. He had absolutely no sympathy for this man. The younglings would have to live the rest of their lives with their traumatic memories. Blake had made a choice, knowing that what he did was wrong and there would be consequences if he was caught.
Josiah stood. “Let’s go. I’ll be your escort.”
Sawyer, Sean, and several other shifters drove to the base of the hill. The Feds had finished destroying all of the samples they found in the facilities. The place had been completely sanitized.
They watched as a couple agents walked outside of the building, carrying a large detonator. Sawyer held his breath asthe agents set the detonator on the ground where the fence had once been. He covered his ears as the agents pulled up the lever and then forced it back down again, before running for cover. The laboratory exploded into a million pieces. Wood, pieces of concrete, and everything else flew high into the air and scattered everywhere.
Firefighters rushed in to put out the flames before another crew brought in several dump trucks and tractors and started the clean-up process.
Sawyer sucked in a huge breath of air. “Wow. These guys really move fast. I bet the only thing left by this time tomorrow is a big burn mark in the ground.”
Zac shook his head. “I don’t even know about that. They might bring in sod and put it down or just till up the land to hide where the lab was. Apparently, they don’t want any trace that it was here.”
“Are they going to try the Mandala effect on us next?” Sebastian waved his hands mystically in front of them. “There was never a laboratory here. There were never evil scientists and doctors. It was a rumor started by some teenagers telling spooky tales and soon everyone believed them,” he said in a voice that was supposed to be mysterious and spooky.
Everyone laughed and headed toHowlers’for drinks.
Beth called early the next morning. “We have enough of the potion to cure everyone. We want to start with the adults because we don’t know how it will affect them. We’ll be there in about an hour.”