
Sawyer pulled Abby close to him and kissed her forehead. “That was pretty impressive. Where did you learn how to do that?”

“I do know how to read, and I consider myself to be educated in many different subjects. I read steamy romance novels as well as Shakespeare, historical fiction, and fantasy, as well as other genres.”

“Is that what you call steamy romance novels? Education?”

“Absolutely. For many reasons.”

“Such as?” Sawyer asked.

“I once had an English professor who told me that reading was important. It didn’t matter whether we were reading the back of cereal boxes, manga, comic books, orPlaygirl.Words are words. They are just arranged differently, depending on the purpose.”

“That sounds logical,” Sawyer said. “So, why else are they good?”

“A lot of them depict healthy relationships. Romance novels show the man treating the woman right and vice versa. Theydon’t abuse each other, cheat on each other, or hurt each other intentionally.”

“I’ll give you that argument,” Sawyer conceded.

“Third, it teaches women about sex, although I will admit that you exceed all of those other studly men I read about.”

“Thank you. Maybe I should read a few of them and get some ideas.”

“I really think you should,” Abby agreed.

“I’m just glad that you don’t find me lacking. A lot of times fantasy is a lot better than reality.”

“Oh, you do just fine fulfilling my fantasies.”

“You have fantasies about me?” he asked, his curiosity piqued.

“Most definitely. You wouldn’t believe the things we’ve done together in them.”

“Like what?”

“You’ll find out as time goes on,” she promised.

“What if I don’t want to wait?”

Abby laughed. “That’s just too bad.”

They lay together in a comfortable silence for several minutes. Sawyer’s brain raced a million miles an hour. He was trying to sort out his feelings for her and figure out how to ask her the question that had been on his mind lately.

Just ask her.

He took a deep breath. “I’ve been thinking about us lately.”

“Have you, now?”

“Yes. I’ve been trying to determine the best way to ask you a question without sounding too corny or like I’m straight out of the 1950s.”

He thought he heard her breath catch and wondered whether that was a good or a bad sign.

“I would like us to start seeing each other exclusively. You know, be a couple, with an official relationship.”

“Are you asking me to go steady with you?”