She walked him to the door. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. Abby felt the warmth radiating from his body and wrapping around her, making her feel safe. He put his hands on her face and leaned down to kiss her.
“You call me if you need anything.”
“I promise.”
She breathed a sigh of relief when the door shut behind him. Abby quickly punched in the alarm. She knew that Sawyer felt guilty and was very worried about her, but she simply didn’t have the emotional capacity to handle everything being thrown at her right now.
Instead, she got on the internet to the food delivery service and ordered some Chinese food, ice cream, and a bottle of wine. Looking around her kitchen, she sighed heavily at the fingerprint powder and the rest of the mess left by everyone and started cleaning, hoping that the activity would help relieve some of her stress – at least until the wine came.
Sawyer seethed with anger as he climbed into his truck and drove home. He knew Dahlia was behind the attack and it was because of him. He gritted his teeth and his knuckles were white as he clutched the steering wheel tightly. Growling, he wished he knew where to find Dahlia because he would gladly tear her limb from limb.
He made sure that he hadn’t had any visitors while he was at Abby’s house. It wouldn’t surprise him if Dahlia had used the attack on Abby as a way to get into his place, especially since he couldn’t remember if he had locked the door or set the alarm in his hurry to get to her.
He was relieved to discover he had done both. Just to be on the safe side, he walked around the house, inspecting everything. Nothing had been disturbed.
Sawyer plopped on his couch and called Sean.
“You’re never going to believe this. Someone broke into Abby’s house and poisoned her vitamins, milk, orange juice, and tea with cyanide.”
“What? Is she okay?”
“She is. I think the reality of it hasn’t sunk in yet. I offered to let her stay with me, but she said that no one was going to chase her out of her own home. The only reason I’m not parked outside of her house now is because Sebastian put a state-of-the-art security system in before I left.”
“I wonder if she’s said anything to Xyla yet.”
“I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s safe for Xyla to go over to the house. I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that Abby is scrubbing the house now, making sure that nothing else was poisoned. The last thing we need is for Xyla to go over there and touch something even remotely toxic.”
Sean sighed. “True, but if she finds out that I knew something and didn’t tell her, she would murder me, right before she murdered Abby for not calling her.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, my friend. You might tell Xyla and then advise that she wait for Abby to call her. I know when I left, she didn’t want to talk about it. She simply wanted to be left alone so she could process everything.”
“That’s a good idea, although, I know her first instinct would be to drive over.”
Sawyer chuckled. “It seems to me that you’re between a rock and a hard place.”
Sean was quiet for a minute. “I think I’ll tell her. She knows Abby best and would know how to handle the situation. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m just pissed. Who the hell does Dahlia think she is? I’ve never intentionally hurt a woman before, but I think that I might make an exception in this case.”
“I don’t blame you, Brother. Just be careful and don’t let your anger and frustration get the better of you. We’ll catch her and either let the mundane human court deal with her or, if she is responsible for hurting shifters, we’ll let the pack handle the situation.”
“You’re right, I know. But dammit, I care about Abby and it almost got her killed.”
“Do you think that Dahlia left the door ajar on purpose?”
“I don’t know. Maybe. It would be like her to taunt Abby. Making her terrified would be even greater revenge than killing her outright, especially since Abby told her off.”
“At least she knows to be careful now and she has a good alarm system.”
They talked for a few more minutes and then Sawyer ended the call. He made a couple of sandwiches for dinner and sat on the couch, staring at the television, although he had no idea what was going on in the game.
His shoulders were so tight that they hurt and his gut was tied up in a huge knot. Between the drug situation, the virus going around, and now Dahlia launching a direct attack on Abby, he was certain that his body was going to explode into little tiny bits.
Sawyer resisted the urge to text Abby to find out how she was doing. He didn’t want to crowd her. She had made it clear that she just wanted to be alone for a while.