“Don’t worry about it,” Taryn said. “Just know that you’ll be okay, except that you aren’t going to be able to shift again for a while.”
“I got the virus?”
“We think so. Let’s get you into the clinic and dressed. Keep the blanket wrapped around you because we don’t want the cops called on you for indecent exposure,” Sean said.
They walked into the clinic and Sawyer locked it behind them. Sean handed Sam his clothes, while Sawyer went into the lounge, returning a few minutes later with a cup in his hand.
“Here’s some coffee. It should help warm your insides. Drink it slowly. Tell us what happened.”
Sam took a couple of sips and sighed. “I needed to get out and run. I paid attention at the meeting, so I was on the lookout for any strangers, whether they were in human form or shifter form. I didn’t see anyone. I saw the haze in the air, but at first, I didn’t think anything about it. I figured that it was just the sun hitting the snow and all that. I knew instantly I was wrong as soon as I hit it. The scent that you describe clung to me like a spiderweb. My entire body burned, and I was instantly shifted back to human form. I felt like all of my muscles had cramped up and I couldn’t move. Thank heavens that you guys arrived when you did, or I would have been in some major trouble.”
“Why was the mist hanging there?” Beth asked.
“My guess is that it was because the chemicals and natural agents in the spray reacted to the cold. I have some samples. I’m going to keep some here to study, but I got plenty for you guys to try to decipher.”
Sawyer handed a bag of pine needles and a bag with a sample from the snow to Beth.
“I’ll call Savvy and we’ll get to work on this tonight,” Beth said. “We’ll let you know as soon as we know anything worth knowing.”
“Spoken like a real woman.” Sean laughed. “Alright, Sam, Sawyer and I will take you back to your car. Sawyer will drive you home so you can have your vehicle.”
After they dropped Sam off, Sean took Sawyer home.
“Don’t be at the lab too late. You don’t want to miss anything important because you’re tired,” Sean said.
“How did you know I was going there?”
Sean grimaced at him. “Because I know you.”
Sawyer hurried back to the clinic and put a tiny sample under the microscope. He was able to identify the isotopes of alcohol and eucalyptus. However, as suspected, there was a compound that he couldn’t figure out.
After several hours, he sat back in the chair and rubbed his eyes. He needed to take a break. Sawyer stashed the samples in the lab’s fridge and locked it. The last thing he needed was for someone to get ahold of it, either accidentally or on purpose.
His stomach rumbled and it was still early enough in the evening that Abby might not have eaten. Deciding to chance it, he gave her a call.
“Are you busy tonight?”
“No. What’s up?”
“I thought I would grill some steaks and potatoes and wondered if you would like to join me.”
“That sounds perfect. I was just trying to figure out what I was going to do for dinner. When should I show up?”
“Give me about an hour. I need to shower and get everything going.”
“I’ll be there with bells on.”
Sawyer laughed. “Bells are unnecessary.”
She showed up at his door wearing a jingle bell bracelet and a smirk. “I couldn’t resist.”
He kissed her, pulled her into the house, and laughed. “I should have expected something like this.”
Sawyer told her about his day while he grilled the steaks. “Hopefully, we can figure out what’s in the spray. If we can isolate everything, then we can possibly find an anecdote or cure.”
“Here’s hoping.”
They sat on the couch and watchedStar Wars – A New Hope.She snuggled up against him. His arm was wrappedaround her, holding her close. He started to ask her a question when he realized that she was snoring softly.