“The good news for Dad is that he wasn’t having an affair with his secretary since she is a lot older than he is and pretty scary. Mom let him keep the car as long as she could drive it, too. He agreed. Now she drives it more than he does. He’s stuck with her old SUV.”
“Is that karma?”
Georgia giggled and shook her head. “Nope. That’s Sheila.”
Laughing, they both went back inside.
When they had a minute, Abby pulled Sawyer aside and told him what Georgia had said, especially about him potentially meeting people in the parking lot after the clinic closed.
He patted her on the back. “Thanks for letting me know. I’ll keep an eye out for that and take pictures if I see it.”
“I feel like the office gossip at best and a snitch at worst.”
“If it was ordinary titbits that get bandied about offices, I would agree with you. However, we have a serious situation going on and you, of all people, know how important it is that we prevent drugs from getting out on the streets.”
She nodded and walked away, not sure she felt any better about the situation.
Xyla texted her later.Do you want to hang out at Savvy’s place with everyone tomorrow? We’re going to have a girl’s day. Rory’s cook and housekeeper are going to join them. They are amazing women.
Abby thought about it and then replied,Sounds great. What should I bring?
Her phone buzzed with the answer.Yourself.
That evening she made some omelets and curled up on the couch with her book. The week’s events had taken their toll and she fell asleep. She woke up about three in the morning because her neck was stiff and she had to pee.
She hastily took care of her business and crawled into bed, thinking about Sawyer and feeling bad for all the stress he was under, before falling into a deep sleep. Throughout the night, he filled her dreams and she woke up tired, as though she really had spent the entire night having sex with the gorgeous man.
Everyone was already gathered by the time she arrived at Rory’s place. It was an incredibly warm day for being in the middle of winter, so they hung out in the backyard. The kids ran around, playing several games of tag and soccer.
“They will sleep well tonight,” Savvy said. “I hope.”
Beth held up an amulet for the women to admire. “Conner gave me this. He bought it from the Navajo reservation. It’s supposed to have protective magic. He got one for Taryn, too.”
“That’s so sweet,” Abby said.
“It’s very beautiful,” Savvy said. “Is that turquoise and silver?”
“Yes. Unfortunately, I’m afraid it’s Conner and the kids who need the protection from this virus going around.”
“Have you made any headway into some kind of potion or spell?” Abby asked.
Beth looked at her daughter, who was in the yard playing with the others. “No, but we’re working on it. I had to do a lot of talking to convince Taryn that she needed to take a break from her research and experimentation. She hasn’t been getting any sleep or rest because she wants to help.”
Abby followed Beth’s gaze. “Wow. She’s only thirteen?”
Beth sighed. “Yeah. But, she’s well aware that she’s likely one of the most powerful witches in the world and she feels like it’s her obligation to do everything she can to help others.”
“You don’t see that kind of dedication in too many people these days, especially young teenagers,” Jade commented.
Just then, Taryn and the other younglings rushed up to the women and declared that they were absolutely starving and had to have a snack. They went inside and handed out sandwiches and chips to everyone.
After they ate, Taryn looked at Abby and asked, “Have you figured it out yet?”
“Figured what out?”
“About you and Sawyer?”
The room went silent and everyone’s head turned toward her, waiting for a reply.