He walked up to her door, prepared to knock. He heard a man’s voice and his heart dropped into his stomach and a flash of jealousy coursed through him. He started to walk away, but she opened the door.
“Sawyer, I thought I saw someone on my porch. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. I don’t want to bother you, especially since you have company.”
“I heard a man’s voice.”
Abby started laughing. “I was listening to a podcast –Scary Mysteries.It’s one of my favorites. Come inside. I just made some tacos.”
Over dinner, Sawyer told Abby about the missing drugs and his conversation with the DEA.
“I’m sorry. I know this is frustrating. At least you know the ball is rolling in the right direction, however slowly it might be going.”
He sighed. “You’re right.”
After dinner, they sat on the couch and watched a movie, holding hands. He couldn’t believe how much tension had seemed to roll off of his shoulders by simply being with her.
“I guess I’ll be going,” he said reluctantly after the movie ended.
She opened her mouth like she was going to say something, and he hoped that she was going to invite him to stay the night. However, the words never came.
Abby walked him to the door and he kissed her goodnight, before heading home, feeling a little lonely.
Abby closed the door behind him and headed to the shower. She mentally kicked herself in the ass for not asking him to stay with her.
I’m pretty sure he would have said “Yes.” We could have made love again and snuggled all night.
The tiny fear in the back of her mind that he might tell her “No” had kept her from asking him.
His kiss had made her knees weak, and she remembered how it felt when he touched her naked body. Abby closed her eyes and imagined that his hands were tracing the contours of her body as the hot water streamed over her. She could see his silvery gray eyes filled with the same passion and want that she felt.
Abby’s finger found the hard nub between her legs and leaned against the cool tiles as she pleasured herself, pretending that it was Sawyer touching her.
The heat built up inside of her and she exploded over her finger, her body trembling.
She grinned when it was over and told the imaginary Sawyer, “We have to stop meeting like this.”
However, as much as she tried to make light of the situation, she couldn’t help but wish he was next to her in bed, holding her while she drifted off.
The next morning, Abby and Georgia were taking a short break outside, breathing in the fresh air. They watched Brent hop in his new Lexus.
Georgia shook her head. “He’s been acting stranger and stranger lately.”
“What do you mean?”
“He shows up late for work at least once a week. Sometimes, after work, I see him talking to different people in the parking lot. He’s been taking longer lunches, too. Plus, he keeps getting all of these so-called inheritances and buys himself all kinds of new expensive ‘toys’.”
“What do you think he’s up to?”
“I don’t know. Maybe he’s simply having a mid-life crisis. I thought that was just a stereotype, until my dad went out and bought himself a Corvette. My mom just about lost her shit, and I was fairly certain we were going to have a missing person on our hands before too much longer.”
Abby laughed. “What happened?”