I’m a fucking doctor. My job is to help these people and I can’t.

Sawyer wanted to rush into the lab and tear everyone apart until he could find the cure for this damned virus. He knew itwouldn’t get him anywhere. He would be shot down before he could get inside. Their best course was to let the dragon shifter get to the roof and find a way inside when it was dark out.

How many more shifters are going to be hurt before that happens?

Abby tapped on his office door.


She popped her head inside. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Just frustrated.”

“I’m here if you need me,” she said and ducked back out, sensing he needed a few minutes alone.

That evening, after everyone left, he installed a camera in the stock room, aimed at the drug storage area. Satisfied that it was well hidden, he left, heading for the first meeting that evening.

Zac called for everyone to be silent. When they quieted down, he motioned for Sawyer to join him on the dais and address the pack.

“As many of you know, there is a virus going around affecting a shifter’s ability to change into their animal forms. Those affected report they passed by a couple who then sprayed something on them. The spray smells like a combination of herbs and likely contains alcohol. There has to be some other type of synthetic agent that alters your genes, preventing you from shifting. People who have experienced this state that they felt a lot of pain and nausea after they were sprayed.”

“What are you doing to find a cure?” someone called out.

“I’m working with several other people to try to figure out what the ingredients of the spray are so that we can isolate them and negate them. Luckily, this virus hasn’t evolved, like most do. Hopefully, we can figure out how to treat it before it does.”

There were a ton of other questions, but most of them were simply repeats. Sawyer told Zac he had to get to Matthias’ clanmeeting and left, letting the alpha try to calm the panic among the pack.

Matthias’ and Lucious’ clan meetings went about the same. A couple of the dragon shifters said that if they were sprayed with anything, they would kill the people who sprayed them while they could still shift. They would take the canister from them.

Sawyer hated the idea of bloodshed being spilled, but he couldn’t say that this was a bad idea. It might be their best bet for getting his hands on the canister so he and the witches could analyze the content. Apparently, Lucious thought the same thing, because he didn’t tell the shifters not to attack.

He stopped by a fast-food joint and went home, completely exhausted. After a quick shower, he dropped into bed and fell asleep. Once again, images of Abby popped into his mind and he thought that it would be relaxing and comforting to have her lying next to him.

Thankfully, there were no new cases of the sifter virus the next day. It was simply routine cases of colds, flu, and the like.

He noticed that Brent had taken an extra-long lunch. Even though he had a clean record, Brent was his number one suspect. Now, he just had to get proof.

After everyone left that afternoon, he took another inventory of the medicine cabinet. He noticed that there was a box of anti-depressants missing, as well as a box of ADHD medication, three fentanyl pills, and two morphine pills.

Sawyer accessed the camera’s footage and noticed that Brent was one of the people messing with the drugs. However, the man had positioned himself perfectly so the camera couldn’t pick up exactly what he was doing, so there was still no proof that the office manager was guilty. Brent also wasn’t the only person who accessed the drugs.

Reluctantly, he pulled out his phone and called Jason to report the missing drugs.

“We’re looking into everyone on your staff. You do have one person on the payroll who seems to be spending beyond his means.”

“You’re talking about Brent.”

“Yes,” Jason affirmed.

“I’m thinking about putting everything in a lock box that only my nurse, my physician’s assistant, and I have access to.”

“I’d like you to wait on that and give the thief more rope to hang himself with. I know it means more drugs on the street, but the end result will be to get your thief behind bars. Hopefully, he’ll give up the people higher up on the food chain. We might be able to take out everyone involved in this racket.”

“Well, do me a favor and hurry up about it. I don’t like my drugs being taken and sold on the streets, and I don’t need this stress.”

“We’re going as fast as we can. These things take time because we want an airtight case.” Jason paused. “Keep us updated and we’ll be in touch.”

Sawyer growled in the back of his throat as he ended the call. He drove by Abby’s place on his way home, intending to drop in.