“No, it doesn’t.”
They snuggled close together. She looked up at him and stared into his eyes. He had the same look of passion and wanting that she felt.
Sawyer gently cupped her face with his hands and brushed his lips against hers. He nibbled on her bottom lip and then licked where his teeth had been. Moaning in the back of histhroat, Sawyer pressed harder, consuming her. He thrust in his tongue, tasting her and tickling the roof of her mouth.
After a minute, he pulled back. “I think I’d better go,” he said in a husky voice.
She wanted to scream, “No, please stay,” but couldn’t find her voice.
He stood and she walked him to the door. Sawyer kissed her quickly and disappeared into the inky blackness.
Abby sank onto the couch and rubbed her eyes. She yelled at herself for not asking him to stay because she wanted him so much it hurt.
Sawyer was sweating as he drove home. More than anything, he wanted to stay there with her and have sex with her again. He wanted to feel the intensity he felt the first time their bodies were one. He could feel the way she adapted to him, her heated walls wrapping around him, caressing him as he moved in and out of her.
Her moans and panting echoed in his ears and his cock stiffened even as he drove. It took all of his willpower to not turn his truck around and take her. Abby’s erotic scent filled the vehicle and clung to him.
She’s your fated mate.
Sean and his mind kept telling him she was his fated mate and their mating was inevitable. He was well aware that humans and shifters could be fated mates. Case in point, Sean and Xyla were fated mates. She was human. It was way too soon to be thinking about that, though.
I’ve already gone too far with her. We’ve crossed the boundary between boss and employee. She could take me to court and sue my socks off if she wanted to. The good thing isI don’t think that she’s that kind of person, and I’m pretty sure that she has strong feelings for me, too.
Shaking his head, Sawyer told himself that he and Abby could just take their relationship one step at a time. There was no rush. Meanwhile, there were other important issues that he needed to focus on, like the missing drugs and the virus that was crippling the shifters.
That didn’t stop him from needing a cold shower when he got home or thinking about her when he climbed into bed. He remembered what it felt like to hold her in his arms and how much he loved it. Closing his eyes, he wished she was there.
He woke up frustrated because he had gone to sleep thinking about Abby, and she was the first thing on his mind when he opened his eyes. After pouring himself a cup of coffee and downing a couple energy bars, he headed into the clinic.
His first patient was an older dragon shifter, Dan, in his mid-forties. “I went for a walk in my neighborhood yesterday and passed by a couple pushing a stroller. I smiled at them and greeted them. As I passed by them, they sprayed me with something. That afternoon, I felt like my insides were being torn apart. This morning, I couldn’t shift.”
Sawyer sighed and had Abby draw his blood, although he didn’t have to examine the blood to find out what the problem was.
Afterward, he explained that the man had a virus and they were working on a cure for it. He asked Dan to describe what the spray smelled like. He gave the same description as Elsbeth and her younglings did.
“Has your mate experienced any symptoms?”
Dan shook his head. “No. She didn’t smell anything on me when I got home. She can still shift.”
Sawyer patted him on the back. “We’re working very hard on figuring out how to fix this. I’ll call you as soon as I know anything. If your symptoms worsen, come in immediately.”
“I will. Thanks, Doc.”
Nodding, Sawyer said, “Tell Cindy there’s no charge for this visit.”
He went into his office and emailed Zac, Matthias, Lucious, Beth, and Savvy.I just had a dragon shifter come in. He had been sprayed with the virus. Two things of interest – he said his mate didn’t smell it when he got home, which means that it dissipates very quickly. I think that there is an alcohol base to the concoction since alcohol does evaporate quickly. The other thing is that his mate has not been affected. This means that in order to get the virus, the shifter has to be sprayed directly. I’m also sure that there is a treatment or prevention for this virus because the shifters using don’t seem to be affected.
Zac replied quickly.Thanks for the intel. I think I’m going to call a pack meeting to warn them about this potential danger. I don’t know how they can protect themselves, because it’s not like they can turn around and run every time they see someone around them, but they should be aware that there is a danger.
Matthias and Lucious agreed. All three alphas requested that he be present for the meetings.
That afternoon, a couple of bear shifters and their younglings came in with the same virus. Sawyer was extremely worried. The number of people affected was growing exponentially, and he still had no idea how to protect them or cure them.
He sat in his office, closed his door, and slammed his fist on his desk, growling loudly in the back of his throat.