Sawyer smiled. “I’m glad.”

They stood up and he hugged her. A spark of electricity exploded inside of her when their chests pressed together. She moaned a bit in the back of her throat as the memory of their naked bodies moving together flashed through her mind.

The two of them hastily broke the hug when Martha and Cindy came into the lounge. Cindy simply giggled, but Martha gave them a hard look.

“I brought donuts this morning,” Abby said, pointing to the box.

“Ooh, you got my favorite,” Cindy said, reaching for a cream-filled chocolate long john. “I’m so grateful for the automatic coffee maker.”

She grabbed a cup of coffee and headed up front.

“Let me know if you have any other issues,” Sawyer said quietly, as Martha busied herself putting her lunch in the fridge. “Hopefully, she won’t bother you or any of the other staff again.”

“Hopefully not.”

Sawyer left the room and Martha turned around to glare at Abby. She put her hands on her hips and pressed her lips together. “What exactly is going on between you two?”

“Nothing. Someone from the laboratory on the hill offered me a job and then threatened me when I declined. It was a little nerve-wracking.”

“Do you think that I’m an idiot? I can see the chemistry between the two of you every time you’re in the same room together. It’s unethical. He’s your boss. He’s the doctor and you’re the nurse. Your job is to assist him with patients, not keep his bed warm.” Martha’s tone was very harsh.

Abby drew herself up and stared straight into the older woman’s eyes. “His best friend is married to my best friend. Sawyer and I are friends because of them. I assure you that I’m well aware that he’s my boss.”

Martha got a know-it-all look on her face. Her head moved back and forth as she said, “Mm-hmm. Tell me another one,” before she pranced out of the room.

Looking at the older woman with dislike as she pranced out of the room, Abby exhaled a huge breath out of her mouth and rubbed her face. “Yep. I should have just dropped the donuts off, gone back home, fell back into bed, and called it a day. And we haven’t even gotten started yet.”

Groaning, Abby put her lunch in the fridge and went to her desk to look at the day’s patient list, hoping against hope that the rest of the day went a lot smoother.

The morning passed by quickly. However, that afternoon, Sawyer asked her to get a box of anti-depressants out of the supply cabinet to give to a patient as a free sample. She did a quick count and noticed that two boxes were unaccounted for.

After the patient left, she told Sawyer about the missing drugs. His shoulders drooped and he hung his head. Abby feltbad for him as he dejectedly said, “I’ll report it to the DEA agents.”

She couldn’t help the tingle that shot through her as their shoulders touched when he passed by her. Abby wanted to hold him and tell him that everything would be okay, but she felt Martha’s eyes on her. Shaking her head, she walked away.



Sebastian called right before Sawyer was about to leave the office. “Are you in? I have the information you were looking for.”

“I’ll wait for you. Just let me know when you’re in the parking lot.”

He showed up ten minutes later with a handful of manila folders. “I brought you hard copies because some of the information is a little sensitive and isn’t available to most people.”

Sawyer took the folders. “I understand.”

Each one of his employees had their own folders, some thicker than others.

“Anyone catch your eye as to who might be responsible for the missing drugs?”

“A couple of people. I put the more interesting ones on top.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it,” Sawyer said. “Have you found out anything else about the lab?”

Sebastian groaned. “Not yet. I’m thinking that we’ll have Julian, one of the dragon shifters who works for me, fly in during the next new moon if we can’t get in before then. I want him tohave protection from anyone who might take target practice at him.”

“Good idea. I think that we’re right about them being responsible for what is affecting the shifters. Dahlia approached Abby in the parking lot with a job offer. She said that they were working on erasing different stains on humanity, quote in a human way, end quote.” Sawyer made the quotation mark signs with his fingers. “My guess is that they are talking about taking away shifters’ ability to take their animal form.”