Sean was doing inventory atHowlers’so Xyla was home alone. Abby headed to their place with a pizza in hand.
Abby eyed the quickly growing belly bump. “Do you have a football team growing in there?”
Xyla laughed and lowered herself into a chair. “No, but sometimes I feel like it. Shifter babies grow a lot faster. I guess that’s because the gestation period is shorter. It’s only six months compared to nine months for a regular human baby. However, they are usually ten pounds or even more.”
Abby gasped and rubbed her own belly. “We both know that the female body can do incredible things, but I’m wondering how you are going to give birth to a child that size?”
“Carefully.” Xyla laughed. “I imagine that the doctor will do a c-section if he has to.”
“Well, I guess women give birth to pretty big babies, too, so it can be done.”
Xyla nodded. “So, how are things between you and Sawyer?”
Abby sighed heavily. “It’s complicated.”
“Uncomplicate it for me.”
“We had sex last night.”
Rubbing her hands together, Xyla smiled and put down her slice of pizza. “Oolala. Do tell.”
“You know that I’ve never been a huge fan of storms. Lightning and thunder were booming and going crazy and then I lost power. I called him and asked if I could sleep on his couch since his place is so close to mine.”
“Mm-hmm. Because our house is so far away, but keep going.”
Abby cast Xyla a wry look and said, “Anyway, we were talking and then he kissed me. One thing led to another and the next thing I know we were in his bed.”
“How was it?”
“Better than in my fantasies. He certainly knows how to make a woman feel right with the world.” She paused for a second. “You know, I always thought that my first time would be with someone I loved and was at least in a committed relationship with -- probably after we were married. But last night, it just felt right.”
“Understandable. That’s exactly how I felt with Sean. Did you sleep on the couch?”
“No.” Abby smirked. “We just changed the sheets on the bed, cleaned ourselves up, and snuggled together. I wanted to stay awake a little longer so I could enjoy the cuddles, but I passed out. I guess it just felt so good and safe to be held by him that I fell straight to sleep.”
“How do you feel about having sex for the first time and it being with him?”
Abby smiled. “I’ve been thinking about it. Whatever happens between us, I’m not sorry. It was a magical experience.”
“How do you feel about him?”
Abby bit her bottom lip and sighed. “I like him – a lot. More than I should. He’s my boss and we work together. Every time I’m near him, I get warm all over and it feels like there’s staticelectricity in the air. If I’m worried or stressed about a situation, just being near him calms me.”
“I hate to say it, but it sounds to me like you’re falling in love.”
“I can’t be. It’s too soon. Besides, he’s my boss. If we did start a relationship and things went bad, I would have to find a new job.”
“Sean and I fell in love during the couple of weeks we were snowed in.”
“That’s different. You knew him from before and you had a thing for him.”
“I think you should at least be open to the possibility.”
“I don’t think I have a choice. My heart won’t listen to my brain.”