He quickly tidied up his house and realized that he was a little nervous. Laughing at himself, he noticed that, for some reason, he wanted to impress her, even though she was only coming over to stay because of the power outage. They were supposed to be friends and colleagues, but there was an undeniable chemistry that exploded between them when they were near each other.

She knocked on his door ten minutes later. Shaking the rain from her hair, she smiled ruefully. “I might also be a little afraid of storms, especially loud storms with lots of thunder, lightning, and rain like this.”

“No worries. We all have our Achilles heel.”

“What’s yours?” she asked.

“I’ll never tell. Superman never divulges his kryptonite.”

She shed her jacket, and he took her bag into the spare bedroom. “How about a beer?”

“That sounds good,” she said.

They settled on the couch.

“I feel like a silly goose. I’m a grown woman who graduated near the top of her class in nursing school. I know that the big boom-boom isn’t going to hurt me, yet here I am.”

“It’s all good, like I said.”

They talked for a few minutes and then lapsed into a comfortable silence. She studied his face and pursed her lips. “Something’s bothering you. What’s up?”

He laughed without humor. “Am I that obvious?”

“No. I have come to know you and I read people really well. Care to talk about it?”

Sawyer sighed and told her what he knew about the lab, Dr. Rick Rogers, and Dahlia, as well as about the confrontation he had outside of the clinic.

“I can see why you are unnerved. It seems like we might be in for some rough times if that’s the case.”

“I wouldn’t blame you if you want to bail out. It could get hairy.”

She looked offended. “Why would you say that? Not on your life. I’ve never been one to turn tail and run when things get hard. I’ll see this thing through to the end. We’ll figure out a way to help the shifters and if the lab is up to no good, we’ll all work together and take them down.” Her voice told him that he had offended her with his suggestion.

Sawyer grinned at her. “My apologies for the offense. I like your grit.”

“My mother called it stubbornness.”

Sawyer laughed. “That, too. That’s actually another trait we have in common.”

She nodded and smiled at him.

It took his breath away. Her damp, blond hair curled around her beautiful face. He looked into her eyes and saw passion, caring, and want swimming around in her chocolatey brown orbs.

She caught her breath and bit her bottom lip. Sawyer reached up and touched her cheek gently with the palm of his hand. She leaned into it and closed her eyes.



Abby closed her eyes as Sawyer’s lips met hers. The kiss started off slow and tender, and then it intensified. He pressed his lips harder against hers and devoured her mouth in a hot, moist, delicious kiss.

Her heart raced as she melted into his embrace. His strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer to him. A soft moan escaped as his tongue teased hers.

The world faded away until there were just the two of them, lost in this perfect moment. Sawyer’s hand caressed her cheek and trailed down her neck, leaving goosebumps exploding where he had touched. Abby pressed herself against him, wanting to be even closer.

She could feel his breath on her cheek, and she inhaled his scent of pine and something else she couldn’t identify. Abby threaded his silky hair through her fingers while she clung tightly to him with her other hand.

A warmth rushed through her, creating an intense want and need for him. A heated, moist, aching need built between her legs from this kiss.