Sawyer growled in the back of his throat. “He should have lost his medical license for that.”

Rory nodded in agreement. “He probably would have if the situation had been investigated. Perhaps a little birdie should whisper in the appropriate people’s ears.”

“Maybe so. The doctor’s wife is a woman named Dahlia Rogers nee Pharnell. She used to be a doctor but had her medical license stripped. I’m still doing research on her.”

A sense of sheer dread exploded inside Sawyer’s gut. “That’s not a good thing. Before I joined Doctors WithoutBorders, I worked for an organization called Physicians for Humanity. Dahlia was a part of that organization. She often stole medication and other supplies and sold them on the black market, giving patients placebos. I caught her and reported her. It turns out that she had been doing that for a while. Other doctors had suspicions, but no proof. She lost her license. She is not a good person. However, no one should underestimate her. She is very, very intelligent.”

“That makes Dr. Rick Rogers and the former Dr. Dahlia Rogers a very dangerous couple,” Zac said. “That just reinforces my fear that the facilities on that hill are up to no good.”

“Could they be responsible for the virus that is keeping Erin and Jarred from shifting?” Josiah asked.

Sawyer tilted his head to one side and steepled his fingers. “They could, especially if they are responsible for kidnapping the younglings. They would be able to analyze the DNA and other aspects of shifters that give them their abilities.”

“We have to find a way to stop them,” Lucious said, pounding his fist on the table. “Sooner rather than later.”

“I’m trying. I’ll let you know as soon as I can infiltrate the place,” Sebastian said.

Their food arrived and talk turned to other things. Sawyer mostly listened to the other men’s chatter. He really was tired. It had been an extremely long day, and the thought of Dahlia being in cahoots with someone intent on creating a super virus was terrifying. Sawyer excused himself as soon as dinner was over.

The next day went by quickly. He was thankful that no more drugs went missing and no one had anything more serious than the regular flu that was going around. It was just an average day like he had envisioned when he decided to stay in Angel’s Creek.

Like normal, he left the office long after everyone else had gone home. Dahlia was just outside the door, leaning against the building, waiting for him.

“Hello, Sawyer. Do you remember me?”

He groaned in the back of his throat. “Of course.”

“Good, because I’ve never forgotten you and what you did to me.”

“You did it to yourself, Dahlia. You were the one who made the choice to steal the drugs and sell them on the black market, giving the patients fake pills instead. You made a profit from other people’s misery and suffering. That’s on you, not me.”

“The patients did fine. I needed that money and you ruined everything for me. You made me lose my doctor’s license and you humiliated me.” She walked closer to him and gave him an evil smile. “I was so glad to find out that you were in the area. You know, revenge is a dish best served cold. It’s wonderful when you aren’t expecting it, but somehow, knowing that you are anticipating all the amazing things coming your way but not knowing when they’ll hit is delicious.” She rubbed her hands together and laughed maniacally as she walked away.

Sawyer’s heart dropped into his stomach as she walked away. He didn’t doubt that she would find a way to get back at him.

Her ominous words replayed constantly in his brain like a rolling marquis as he drove home. He didn’t doubt for a second that she was capable of extreme actions. The question was whether she was going to come after him alone or if she was going to harm a lot of other people in an effort to get back at him.

Do I keep this to myself for a while and see what happens or do I warn others and maybe create some kind of panic?

Finally, he decided to call Zac and tell him about the encounter.

“Do you think that her revenge has something to do with the lab and with the virus affecting the shifters?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Sawyer said. “To be honest, I think they’re just getting started and I’m terrified.”

“We’ll keep our eyes and ears out,” Zac replied and ended the call.

A loud boom shook his house. Rain poured down. His phone buzzed.Abby.

“My electricity went off. Do you have electricity?”


“Can I hang out with you? I’m happy to sleep on the couch.” Her voice sounded small.

“Sure, no problem. Do you want me to come get you?”

“No, thank you. Let me throw some things in a bag and I’ll be there shortly.”