Sawyer held his face in his hands and let out a slow, deep breath. It seemed that all hell had broken loose since he returned to Angel’s Creek. He left the Doctors Without Borders program to settle down and have a less stressful job. So far, that plan hadn’t worked out so well.
A soft knock on his door reminded him that he had other patients to see. Luckily, the rest of the day went smoothly. A couple more kids had the flu, one patient had shingles, and another needed a refill on her asthma medication.
When everyone left, he sat alone in his office, dreading what he had to do next. He called the DEA. He spoke with an agent named Jason Aberdeen who said that he and his partner, Millie Thompson, would be there within an hour. They just happened to be in the area, investigating a doctor at a hospital.
They showed up exactly an hour later. Sawyer showed them his spreadsheets, that listed the drugs that were bought, which were used on patients or given to patients as samples, and what was on the inventory.
“It does seem like you have a long-standing problem, here, Dr. Cooke,” Jason said.
“Call me Sawyer, please. According to what I’m seeing, this has been going on for more than a year.”
Millie nodded. “Yep. We’ll start by conducting background checks on all of your employees and see what we can find. We’ll look for past histories of any related issues that might not be seen by standard background checks. We’ll also check into bank accounts, associates of your employees, and so forth.Although Abigail Clark wasn’t employed by the clinic when the disappearances started, we’ll check her out, too.”
The agents stood and held out their hands for him to shake. He instantly sensed that they were shifters, although he didn’t say anything to them.
“Thank you for calling us as soon as you discovered the problem,” Millie said.
“I just want this whole thing over and done with and off my back.”
“We’ll figure it out soon for you,” Jason promised. “Whoever is doing this obviously isn’t hiding their tracks very well and they will be caught.”
The two agents left. Sawyer hesitated and then called Sebastian.
He explained the situation to him and then asked, “Can you run a background check on all my employees as well? Although the agents said that they could find out more than a typical background check, I suspect that you can find out even more. Plus, I don’t know how much they would be willing to share with me.”
“I’d be glad to. Do you want me to run a check on Abby, too, even though she wasn’t there when this thing started?”
Sawyer hesitated for just a minute. “Yes, please.”
“Will do.”
Sebastian typed on the computer as Sawyer gave him the names and social security numbers of all his employees.
It was very dark when he left the clinic. His gaze was automatically drawn to the large building on the hill, and he shivered as an icy cold finger of dread moved down his spine. The lights shined on it, keeping it as lit up as if it were the middle of the day. There were absolutely no shadows that a person could hide in to infiltrate the place.
It could just be my imagination and all the speculation, but there is just something evil about that place.
Sawyer went home and ordered some Chinese food to be delivered. His mind reviewed the events of the day and then settled on Abby.
He had almost kissed her last night. Sawyer wet his lips.
I wanted to kiss her and would have kissed her if Mom hadn’t interrupted. There is something about Abby that I can’t get enough of. It’s not that we’re constantly together. It’s her scent, her personality, and the way she treats people.
He felt himself harden as he thought about her beautiful face and the way she looked at him sometimes. Sawyer imagined them having sex on her couch last night and what she would look like naked. Of course, he had seen a lot of women, beautiful and otherwise, in the nude, not only because he was a doctor, but also because he was a shifter. However, there would be something completely different about seeing Abby naked.
Sighing heavily, he stood under a cold shower until his erection had disappeared and he thought he could sleep. However, her face popped into his mind even as he drifted off.
Abby was very confused about what happened to the shifters. She called Xyla to find out what she was doing.
“I finished with my online nursing schedule about five minutes ago. Sean is atHowlers’for a while tonight. Do you want to come over for dinner?”
“Sure. On my way.”
Abby kicked off her shoes and plopped on the couch as soon as she walked into the door. A minute later the doorbell rang. It was the local high school kid who had delivered her food a couple days ago. He was trying to save up enough to go to college, so she, and now Xyla, gave him an extra-large tip.