Page 4 of Santa Is A Sl*t

“Listen to me, little elf. You enteredmyoffice without permission. You come in here with your accusations and name calling like this isn’t a professional setting.” My voice is steady but I don’t hide the genuine anger in my harsh tone.

The air in the room changes from playful to dangerous as I roll my shoulders back. The mood shifts and I watch as Kane and Eve quickly excuse themselves without a word.

Noel allows them past her at the door and I watch as she gulps nervously, losing just a little of that fire she walked in here with.

I place my hands on my desk and lean forward in a way that I know looks intimidating. Then I continue, “But thisisa professional setting. This is a job and if you don’t like it, you can leave. Everything here will still happen, with or without you. So either get with it or get the fuck out.”

Noel’s eyes widen before quickly narrowing into angry slits. “You’re not going to scare me out of here. You’re going to stop making all of these shitty changes and pissing off your employees.”

“Or what?” I ask, raising a brow. “You’ll all quit?”

She crosses her arms and lifts a shoulder.

“Try it,” I say with a mocking laugh. “Seasonal work is easily filled with broke college students and retirees. I’ll have you all replaced before you’ve walked out the door.”

She doesn’t have a comeback ready.

I know I’m being an asshole. My uncle left the company’s finances straggling above the red, way too close for comfort. Instead of prioritizing profit margins, he put his focus on the fun. He loved all the employee appreciation and extravagance.

It’s not like I wanted to take away the staff holiday party. In fact, I honestly don’t care one way or another. But we don’t have the funds for much more than the typical shitty corporate pizza party.

I’d rather not.

While I’m busy musing internally, Noel looks as if she’s contemplating stomping out of my office.

Part of me wants her to. Save me the frustration of seeing this cute little elf look at me with hatred every single day. The other part of me–the part that lies south of my stomach–would hate not getting to take in her rage regularly.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do,” I say dismissively.

She rolls her eyes and heads for the door of my office only to stop and turn back at the doorway. She looks at me with pure disdain.

“Yeah, keep pretending you haveworkto do. I’d hate for anyone to find out that Santa is really just a dirty little slut.”

Chapter Three


This is my second season working at SantaScape and it’s shaping up to be even better than the last.

There aren’t many employees at SantaScape that work year-round. Most of us are seasonal and use it as a chance to earn some extra cash for the holidays. I work as a content developer for startup companies and the last quarter is usually pretty slow.

So last year, Eve put in a good word for me with her boss and I spent six weeks of the holiday season helping out wherever they needed. Sometimes I work as security because for some reason, the happiest time of the year is also when some people turn into the biggest assholes. Other times I fill in as Santa or even a snow monster.

No matter what, I find a way to enjoy what I do.

Eve worked full-time for Mr. Bates for two years before he retired. Now, he’s enjoying life outside these walls which he’s earned.

However, the transition of his nephew hasn’t been easy on everyone.

For me, it’s been fine. I come to work and do whatever job I’m supposed to for the day.

It helps that most of the time, I share the same schedule as Eve. Getting to share a ride home with my partner at the end of a shift is pretty awesome. Among the other things we share.

For instance, the elf I’m currently waiting for in the shadows like a weirdo.

Meeting Noel last year was awesome. She was up for a good time and we had no problem showing her one.

She typically works as a bartender or server because says a career is more terrifying to commit to than a relationship.