Chapter Sixteen
I’m alone in my room trying to organize my assignments from the week when Gunner sends over a text asking if I want to study at the coffee shop. I toss aside my Kindle to squeal in the privacy of my room for a full minute before responding that I would love to. Don’t get me wrong, books over boys, but a ride on his motorcycle sounds too fun to pass up.
I have quite a bit of work to get done and I’d rather go there than the library. Besides, I’ve only really seen him in classes this past week and we haven’t been alone together since he left my room last week.
Trying to dress appropriately according to my Pinterest research isn’t all that easy. Just to be double sure, I send over a picture to Jane to get her opinion on the oversized pullover, skinny jeans, and combat boots. Her response is filled with no less than ten flame emojis, so I guess she approves.
I take the time to braid my hair into two sections in hopes that I don’t end up with too bad of helmet hair.
Throwing on my backpack, I head out of my room and down to the parking lot to meet him. There’s so much pep in my step that I practically tumble out of the doors. I hear Gunner chuckle at me and my eyes track him over to his usual spot. He’s standing near his bike waiting for me, and when he sees me approaching, his eyes heat up. "Damn, Nixy. You look beautiful, but you always do."
He's such a sweet talker, but the compliment still makes me blush. "You're looking pretty good yourself, handsome."
I'm not lying. He's in his standard dark jeans, boots, and a leather jacket over his black V-neck shirt. He looks fucking lickable. I wonder what it will take to get him to show me what he has tattooed on his back.
He lifts a hand to rub one of my braids between his fingers. “I don’t know if I like the sight of you in those boots more or that plaid skirt you were wearing the other day.”
I love that he tells me this. I love that he was thinking of me this week even if we were too busy to really hang out.
“Maybe next time I can wear the boots with the skirt.” I tell him with a wink. Even if I am a little nervous around him still, flirting with him comes naturally.
He groans at me. "Please do.” He hands me a helmet and double checks that it fits alright once I have it on. “You can wear your backpack on the ride."
Gunner settles himself on the seat with ease. "Alright, now just swing your leg over behind me. Hold on tight, don't be afraid to squeeze if you need to." Now it’s his turn to wink at me.
Fuck me. The coffee shop is less than five miles away, but this ride will feel like forever if I'm holding on to him trying not to picture running my tongue over the abs that I know are hiding under his shirt. I swing my leg over and settle behind him. I take his previous statement to heart and wrap my arms around his midsection.
Gunner revs up the bike, ready to head out, and gives my hand a squeeze before pulling out of the parking lot. I can feel the bike vibrating under me, and I try to make sure to think about kittens and other things that aren't sexual.
It's useless, because by the time we arrive at our destination I have already soaked through my underwear. Judging by the grunt Gunner makes when getting off the bike, I'm not the only one affected. My legs feel shaky and it takes me a few moments of alternating my weight from one leg to the next to feel stable again.
Once he has my helmet put away, he grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers before whispering in my ear, "Baby, I am looking forward to so many more rides with you wrapped around me". Then he steers us into the shop like he didn't just disintegrate my panties.
Once we get to the counter, I order a cold brew and Gunner asks for a black coffee before handing over his card. With drinks in hand, we search out a booth to set up in. We find one in the back of the shop.
Pulling out our books, we both start to focus on our homework. I have an assignment for English that is due early in the week so I start writing out my essay outline in my notebook. Gunner seems to be studying for his Spanish course.
After an hour, his hand has casually brushed against mine several times. I've accidentally nudged him twice while trying to shimmy out my nerves. I'm about to explode with...something.
He looks up from his book that I have no idea if he's actually been reading. "Are you uncomfortable here?"
Tapping my fingers against the table, I try my best to keep a flirty smile on my face. It probably looks more like I'm constipated at this point. "Not exactly."
His brow furrows. "We can head back if you want. I’m almost finished anyway. We can go to the library or call it a day," He starts to pack up his things, but he isn't taking the hint.
I grab his hand in mine, until his eyes meet mine. "Gunner, I don't want to go back and study."
He looks a little confused now. "Well if you're tired, then that's okay too, I'm sure you can still get in a nap if you want."
I shake my head at him. Is he seriously oblivious to the torture he's putting me through? Fuck it.
"I don't want to sleep. I don't want to study. I want you to take me back to my room. I don’t want to go slow." If there is some sort of sex goddess watching over us, please do not fuck with fate and let me get this man to touch my naked body today. Judging by the heat in his eyes, he’s on the same page.
Once we've got everything packed back up, I follow his lead as we drop off our cups at the counter. He grabs my hand and we head out of the small shop. This time, he silently hands me the helmet. There are no jokes when I get behind him.
The ride is full of tension. I squeeze him tighter and I swear I hear him growl over the sound of the bike.
Soon enough we are back at campus and hopping off his bike again. I grab his hand and start to pull him behind me, but I'm met with resistance.