“I vanished because I was scared. I loved you so much, I still do. So much it hurts. And it scared me. I was a coward and a fool, but I’ve learned my lesson. Honestly, I don’t expect you to take me back,” Vincent adds, his voice trembling slightly. I’m almost inclined to believe him. “I wouldn’t blame you if you never wanted to see me again. In fact, you can tell me you want me gone right now, Shay, and I’ll leave. I’ll leave and never come back, because the last thing I wish for is to hurt you again.
“But the truth is… I can’t fight this any longer. We were good together. I should’ve treated you better, and if by some stroke of luck you decide to give me another chance, I swear to you, Shay, I swear I’ll do more, I’llbemore. I’ll be the man you once knew me to be, and I’ll make you the center of my universe. I love you.”
The worst is just about to happen, as I hear the door to Richard’s office open. I manage to steal a glance for long enough to see him come out, accompanied by Jax and Marius. Their expressions send shockwaves through my body as they notice the roses and the chocolates in Vincent’s hands.
Fully aware that more people are now present and watching, Vincent decides to double down, never taking his eyes off me. “I hope someday you’ll forgive me for the egregious ways in which I’ve hurt you. I’m only a man, Shay, and I’ve learned plenty from my mistakes. But I have never stopped loving you. I’d still marry you, if you were willing to give me one more chance…”
“Vincent,” I whisper, further bothered by Jax, Marius, and Richard’s eyes on me. My face burns red.
They’re watching. They’ve heard him state his intentions loud and clear. Yet none of them react.
“Like I said, you don’t have to respond immediately,” Vincent says, handing me my gifts. “Just hold on to these and think about it.”
Before I can pull away or object, he leans in and drops a quick, soft kiss on my lips. To my surprise, I feel nothing.
There is, however, plenty of anxiety because Marius, Jax, and Richard saw the kiss. I should give Vincent his due credit—he may not know about our foursome, but I’m sure he can tell there is a bond between us. He’s no fool, his fox-like eyes dashing across to scan the three men with great care and precision.Mythree men. Are they still mine? Were they ever mine? Was I ever theirs?
“I’ve got a client waiting,” Marius says to no one in particular and crosses the reception area without so much as a glance my way. I hear the door close behind me as he vanishes into the gym.
Jax heads into the martial arts room with equal angst and tension in his voice. “Yeah, the kids will be coming in soon.”
“I’ll see you around,” Vincent tells me, smiling broadly as he gets a key from Alice and makes his way toward the men’s locker room.
I’m left standing motionless by the reception desk, Alice giggling to my right and Richard eyeing me curiously, arms crossed over his massive chest. I see his green eyes reduced to slits as he clears his throat to beckon my attention.
“Do you think we could talk for a moment?” he asks.
What else can I say at this point? I’m baffled and still trying to process the moment, wondering about the damage it may have caused. Chances are I made things worse much earlier by pushing my men away instead of talking to them about the slew of issues clouding our relationship.
Once I’m in Richard’s office, the door closed behind us, I can’t find a steady rhythm for my heart. It’s beating erratically, my breath ragged as I take a seat in one of the guest chairs. Richard sits behind his desk and give us a minute of silence during which he calmly and methodically analyzes my expression.
I feel like an open book under his emerald gaze. He hasn’t slept much, that much is obvious. He’s worried. Or stressed. Or both. I’m worse. Way worse. I could puke right now if I’m not careful.
“What’s up?” I ask, my voice wavering.
“It seems like a lot is up,” Richard replies, leaning back into his chair. “What was that whole thing with Vincent, Shay?”
“I’m not sure. He wants me back, but—”
“Do you want him back?”
“I didn’t say that.”
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. “But you’re not saying otherwise, either.”
“I don’t really want to talk about this right now,” I tell him. Anguish cuts deep through me, my pride hijacking my reason once again. “Tell me, why am I here?”
Richard’s gaze softens, though the sadness remains. I should say something reassuring where Vincent is concerned, but my instinct is telling me to hold back. To keep a distance until I figure out what I want, what I can and cannot have under these particular circumstances.
“I’ve decided to leave West Key to you, Marius, and Jax,” Richard says.
The words hit me like a hammer in the chest. “Seriously?”
“You three can handle it. I’d like to try my hand at the industrial complex I told you about. I’m expecting a lease agreement in my inbox by the end of the week,” he replies. “No hard feelings, Shay.”
“Hard feelings…” I scoff, shaking my head. The dismay is too much to bear, especially when combined with the swelling ball of nausea currently occupying my throat. “Do Jax and Marius know?”