I sink one hand into his hair and arch my back, and he sucks, gently at first and then harder, making me groan, beforeswapping to the other nipple. He does this for a while, until I’m writhing beneath him, aching and throbbing and desperate to have him inside me.
“Joel,” I beg, “please…”
He kisses up my neck to my mouth again and plunges his tongue inside, kissing me until I’m breathless, until I’m drowning in desire.
With his knees, he nudges my legs apart, and I draw them up so he can nestle between them and lower down on top of me. He lifts his head to look in my eyes, guides the tip of his erection down until it nestles at my entrance, and then he makes himself comfortable on top of me. Looking into my eyes, he pushes forward, and slowly, very slowly, he slides inside me.
I groan and close my eyes. He fills me, until I can feel him all the way up, stretching me, hot and hard, right to the top.
“Open your eyes,” he says gruffly, and I let them drift open and look up into his blue eyes. The pupils are dilated so they look almost black. Once again, our breaths become one as his lips touch mine, and I’m not sure what was more intimate—staring into his eyes under the water while we breathed from the same tank, or this moment, where he’s actually inside me, where our bodies are becoming one.
He starts to move, and I moan at the sensation of him sliding through my moist, swollen flesh. “Aaahhh…” I sigh, “that feels so good…”
“Baby,” he murmurs, “I’ve waited so long to do this…”
“Mmm, Joel…”
“You’re so beautiful…” He kisses me, moving agonizingly slowly, as if he’s reacting against the fury and speed of the storm around us. The rain hammers on the windows, the wind rips at the tin roof, the wooden walls creak and crack, but here in the cabin, in this bunk, beneath the blanket, our world is safe and secure.
Joel will always protect me. I know that instinctively. He will always put me first. It’s an odd feeling—completely new for me. The most important person in Charles’s world was Charles, and that was never going to change. Because I’m the oldest of all my siblings, my parents’ love and attention was always focused on those younger than me. It’s just one of those things. I’ve never given it much thought before. But lying here, with Joel moving on top of me, while he touches my face, strokes my hair, and kisses me, his eyes full of a fierce desire, it’s a revelation to think that for once, I’m important in someone else’s world.
Half of me wants him to speed up, so I can be swept up and carried away on the wave of pleasure I know is waiting for me. But the other half is enjoying drawing out the moment, of letting him slowly tease me toward the edge. His tongue plays with mine, his kisses hot and hungry, as if he can’t get enough of me, and he rests his weight on one elbow while he strokes me with his other hand, caressing my breasts, then stroking all the way down my ribs, my hip, and my thigh to my knee. He pushes it up, and I lift my legs and wrap them around him. It lets him change the angle, and we both groan as he sinks in deeper.
“Zoe,” he murmurs, kissing my neck and around to my ear. He nips the lobe, touches his tongue there, then kisses back along my jaw to my mouth. “I’m in love with you,” he whispers, placing butterfly kisses over my lips as he continues to move.
Warmth spreads through me, and my throat tightens. “I think I’m in love with you, too.”
His lips curve up, and his eyes light with pleasure. “I’m obsessed with you,” he says, his voice husky.
“I don’t know why.”
“Because you’re beautiful.” He kisses me. “And funny.” Another kiss. “And sexy.”
My eyes prick with sudden tears. “Joel…”
He shifts up an inch, so that when he thrusts he’s grinding right against my clit, and I gasp. He still moves relatively slowly, but his thrusts are more purposeful, and my body stirs beneath his tender administrations, heat building deep inside me.
“Do you want me to come for you?” I whisper.
He lifts his head to look at me. “Ah, baby, yeah…”
My eyes flutter closed. “Don’t stop…”
He moves rhythmically, purposefully. “I won’t.”
I catch my bottom lip between my teeth and suck. Mmm… that feels so good… I can feel my orgasm building deep inside, all the tiny muscles beginning to tighten… my breaths turn to ragged gasps as it begins… everything contracts… oh my God that’s exquisite as I clench around him… the pulses are intense… I cry out with each one, and he covers my mouth with his, as if he wants to capture my pleasure and make it his own.
I open my eyes, looking up at him as he begins to move faster, his body taking over his desire to make it last. He hooks an arm beneath my knee and pushes it up, and I widen my thighs, giving him better access so he can thrust to his heart’s content. He slams into me, his brow furrowing with pleasure, and I press my nails into his shoulders and score lightly down his back, making him groan and shudder as he finally spills inside me.
“Ah, baby,” I murmur, “yeah, that feels so good…”
“Fuck,” he mumbles, stiffening, his hands tightening to fists, and he crushes his lips to mine, and he’s kissing me so hard it almost hurts, and he’s leaning on my hair, and he’s incredibly heavy on top of me, but I don’t care because it feels magnificent, and this moment—lying here in this bunk with the storm raging around us, after all the danger we’ve been through—is the absolute best I’ve felt in, well, maybe ever.
He lowers his head to rest his forehead against mine, and we stay there like that for a while, as our pulses gradually slow.
Eventually, maybe conscious that he’s collapsed on top of me, he shifts, turning me so we’re almost lying on our sides. But he stays inside me, which feels incredibly intimate and loving.
“You okay, baby?” he asks, stroking my hair.