Page 10 of Deadly Oath

Iknow I should leave Sabrina alone for a little while, after what transpired out in the woods. At least half the reason that she was so eager for me to leave her house, I’m sure, is because she’s wondering how I so conveniently turned up at the right moment to save her from that snake.

But that’s my job. Patrolling this town and the surrounding trails, keeping an eye out for what the people living here need, and providing protection if necessary. And today, Sabrina Miller was very much in need of my protection.

The look on her face when she saw that snake told me that she’s never seen one so close before—not the animal kind, anyway. Maybe she’s run into a few human snakes in her time. Her paranoia makes me think that’s the case.

She was quick to run me out of her house. I shouldn’t have followed her inside in the first place, not without an invitation—but I was concerned about her. She was shaking like a leaf, even after the half-mile walk back up to her house. I know the signs of shock well enough, and she was headed in that direction.

But she told me to leave, so I went. That doesn’t stop me, though,from circling back late that evening to check on her once more. Although—maybe not exactly in the way that she’d like.

I park my truck at the end of the road leading up to her driveway, walking the rest of the distance. It’s late, after eleven, and I’m pretty sure by now she’ll be back from her book club. When I walk into her yard, I see that most of the lights in her house are off—all except one towards the very back.

Her bedroom.

I feel a thrum of anticipation in my chest as I circle around towards the stand of trees at that end of her house. It’s just thick enough to shield me while I look in on her, and my pulse beats a little faster as I slink across the yard, slipping into the copse, craning my neck to see through the large window at one side of her bedroom. I have to move to the very edge of the trees to see her, but as long as I remain still, it’s dark enough that she won’t see me. A shadow, at most—easily explained away.

She’s standing in the middle of the room, in jeans and an orange sweater, biting at one of her nails. Her lips purse around the tip of her finger, and my cock instantly twitches, coming to life at the sight of her standing there, pushing the tip of her finger into her mouth.

I can only imagine how soft her lips must feel. They’re full and plush, one of the first things I noticed about her.They’d feel like heaven around my cock, I think as her hand drops away from her mouth, and a fresh throb of desire pools in my groin as all the blood in my body starts to rush in a single direction.

She’s home. Safe and sound in those four walls, right where she’s supposed to be.I’ve checked up on her—there’s no reason for me not to leave now. No reason—except for the fact that as she reaches for the hem of her sweater, I’m frozen to the spot, the need to see what’s underneath it suddenly overriding all else—including my common sense.

My breath catches as she grabs both her sweater and the tank top underneath it, stripping both off in one swift motion that reveals almost every inch of her smooth, creamy-pale torso. Her small, elegant breasts are covered with a black cotton bra, and I lick my drylips as she tosses the shirts over the back of a nearby chair and reaches for the bra’s clasp.

Fuck. Yes. My cock throbs, straining against my zipper, and I have to fight off the urge to slip it out here and now. Just the sight of Sabrina nearly topless is enough to make me hard, my fingers itching to run through that thick blonde hair that brushes against her shoulder blades, to wrap it around my fist as I push her down to her knees.

I’d discover exactly how good her mouth is, then.

I grit my teeth against a groan as my cock pushes against my zipper. Sabrina undoes her bra with a quick flick of her fingers, the straps sliding down her shoulders, and I suck in a breath as the cups fall away.

Her breasts are perfect. Just big enough to fill a man’s palms, topped with rosy nipples that stiffen in the cool air of her room, making me run my tongue over my lower lip as I imagine what it would feel like to suck one of them into my mouth. I want to roll my tongue over the point of her breast, feel her arch into my mouth, hear her moan?—

My hand is at my zipper before I can stop myself. I used to be a man of self-control, but this—as Sabrina reaches for the front of her jeans, I’m already sliding a hand inside of mine, palming my cock as I slip it free and wrap my hand around the taut, straining shaft.

This is a bad idea.I know it, from the moment that the cool air hits my hot flesh, and I start to stroke, watching Sabrina push her jeans over her hips. This could undo everything. If I’m caught outside a woman’s window, jerking off as I watch her undress—the fallout would destroy everything I’ve worked so hard for.

But whatever is left of my self-control seems to be gone, as my palm rubs over my swollen cockhead, pre-cum gathering for lube as I stroke faster. Sabrina is in nothing more than a pair of black cotton panties now, her long, smooth legs and hips entirely visible to my view, and I stroke faster, suddenly desperate for release as she starts to tug her panties down.

Oh, fucking hell.My teeth are gritted hard against any noise as I seenothing but smooth skin between her thighs. She’s shaved bare, and I feel a jolt of fresh arousal as my cock stiffens in my hand, so close to erupting. I can imagine that smooth skin against my lips, the way it would feel to part her folds with my tongue, and at that moment, I feel almost desperate to know how she would sound if I did exactly that. What she tastes like. How she would cry out as I tease her to the brink of orgasm again and again, waiting until I decide thatI’mready to let her tip over.

Completely oblivious to what’s happening outside of her window, Sabrina turns, bending over to open one of her dresser drawers. And then, in that instant, as I see the puffy, soft lips of her pussy framed in the perfect shape of her thighs, my own orgasm crashes over me.

My cock goes rigid in my hand, my vision narrowing for a second with the force of it as the first spurt jets from the tip, splashing into the dirt at my feet as my hand strokes frantically along my length. I squeeze my cock hard, bracing myself with one hand as spurt after spurt spills out, a small voice in my head screaming at me as I come that I’m doing the stupidest thing imaginable. Now there’sevidenceof the fact that I jerked off outside of Sabrina Miller’s window, my own DNA a foot from her house. But I can’t stop. It feels so fucking good, as I stare at her soft pussy, the curve of her ass as she stands up, the orgasm longer and harder than any I can remember having in a long fucking time. Certainly not from my own hand.

I’m breathing hard as the last of my cum spills from the tip, my heartbeat pounding in my ears. On the other side of her window, Sabrina is dressing, covering up all that smooth, soft skin as I shakily tuck my cock away, zipping up my pants as the clarity of what I just did comes rushing in.

I need to get out of here. But I stay frozen to the spot as she walks to her bed, not wanting to risk her looking out of her window and seeing me standing here. Whatever excuse I could have come up with is long gone, now that I’m standing here flushed and breathless with a puddle of my own cum at my feet.

She slips out of view, towards her bed, and a second later, the lastlight goes out. I swallow hard, backing carefully away from the trees—only to hear the sharpcrackof a branch under my boot.

Shit. I suck in a breath, going still for a moment as I wait for her light to come on. But it stays quiet and silent inside of her bedroom, and I start to back away again slowly, slipping out of the copse of trees and walking quickly back towards the road.

That could have been real fucking bad,I tell myself sternly as I walk back to my truck, unlock it and jump inside.Don’t do it again.

Besides, I tell myself, the thrill is gone, now that I’ve done it once. I won’t make that mistake twice. With any luck, I won’t need to.

The next time I come for Sabrina Miller, it’s going to be inside of her.