Once Liam begins to purr, I close my eyes, breathing deeply.
“There you go,” he whispers, brushing hair from my face. “We’ve got you.”
“You don’t have to take care of me,” I murmur.
Hunter scoffs and playfully grabs my pinkie toe. “It’s not a question anymore, baby. I have to. We both have to.”
“Mm-hmm,” Liam agrees. “It’s my honor, April.”
“Iwanted to ask you to move in with us permanently, but Liam said that was too possessive,” Hunter adds.
“The contract,” I grumble, half asleep.
“We can change it. Rip it up,” Hunter replies as I snuggle in Liam’s hold.
“Donovan would be mad,” I hum.
“He’s always mad. It would be nothing new.”
“Hunter,” Liam warns. “Stop.”
“I’m just saying, rules are meant to be broken, and…”
The voices trail off, and I’m lulled to sleep by Liam’s deep, soothing purr.
I catch bits and pieces of their hushed conversation, but they mix into my dreams and I’m not sure what is real.
“We could just ask her. She might say yes.”
“It’s too soon for that. Donovan won’t even tell her how he feels.”
“It’s the first time he’s said the word ‘mate’, he doesn’t throw that word around?—"
“What are you doing out here?”
A low voice startles me awake. Donovan’s scent is everywhere, mixing with Liam and Hunter’s. I look up to meet his icy eyes, which slightly soften when he sees me.
“Cuddling,” Hunter replies easily, as Donovan frowns at him. “You should try it once in a while. You know, human interaction.”
I stretch and yawn, sitting up straight and moving my legs from Hunter’s lap. The sunset is gone and replaced by the night sky, bright stars flickering above.
“Shit, how long was I out?” I gasp, running my hands through my hair to smooth it out. “I need to clean up. I left eggs out; the whole counter is mess?—”
“It’s taken care of,” Donovan says easily. “You should rest.”
“I can at least?—”
“It’s one in the morning.”
I blink. “Oh.”
Donovan raises an eyebrow. “Oh,” he repeats. He glares at Liam and Hunter. “You should have put her to bed instead of let her pass out outside.”
I glare at him, groggy from sleep. “I’m not a child.”
He looks me up and down. “You certainly aren’t. But you don’t deserve to wake up with a sore neck because these two couldn’t bother to make sure you were resting properly.”
“Don’t be jealous just because you weren’t here,” Hunter snaps. “Not all of us are married to their work.”