Page 75 of A Temporary Forever

“I have a condom here somewhere.” She pulls out a shiny square. “Voila.”

She rips the wrapper, and we both watch as she slowly, delicately sheathes my engorged hardness. The moment is in stark contrast with the previous turmoil. It’s like we need this reprieve to make sure we’re on the same page.

When she’s done, she circles her palm around my girth and squeezes gently. Her gaze finds mine, a challenge and a mild threat in her eyes.

And I take her wrath. I take it because I deserve it.I take it because even though I’m not ready for it, I can’t not have her.

But that’s the only still moment before I hike her legs over my shoulders and plunge into her, like I can really punish us both.

Her for making me believe she was with someone else.

Me for caring. For fucking wanting her.

We fuck like we hate each other. And at this moment, we probably do. We might have gotten married on paper. But neither of us signed up for the complications.

For the onslaught of desire that has robbed us of common sense and self-preservation skills.

The room echoes with our slapping bodies and moans. Unlike the first time, Celeste doesn’t need to be silent, and she expresses herself with abandon. And I can’t get enough of it.

“Come for me, black swan,” I growl, because I’m so close I teeter on the precipice.

It only takes one flick of my thumb over her clit, and she clenches, all her muscles tensing around me.

A few more thrusts and I follow, tilting my head and roaring my last tendrils of frustration into the ceiling.

We pant and glare at each other before I withdraw. She opens her mouth, but her eyes widen as theelevator dings. I pull my pants on, the full condom sagging awkwardly.

Leaning over the banister, I spot the visitor and swear under my breath. I slide Celeste to the side, as if that will help the situation.

“Wow, Cal, the view is spectacular!” Xander saunters in, two coffees in hand.

Fuck, he really got here early. He stops at the edge of the living room, squinting at me. Hopefully, the sun blinds him enough to hide what’s just gone down here.

“You’re here.” I step further into the living room to give Celeste some privacy. She remains there without moving, and if he has noticed her, he doesn’t let on.

He checks his watch. “Am I too early?”

“No, no. Why don’t you go to my office? It’s through that double door, down the hallway to the right. I need to grab something upstairs.” I put my hands in my pocket and cross one leg over the other, feeling the condom sliding down.

“What? No tour?” He takes a step.

“Later,” I snap. “Let’s talk business first.”

He narrows his eyes, then shrugs and moves to his left. I puff out a long breath.

I dash to her as soon as he disappears toward my office.

“Are you okay?” I help her stand up. Fuck, I hope the stairs didn’t scratch her.

“Yes. Who is that?”

“Xander Stone, one of the partners at Merged.”

She giggles at that. “Dieu merci he didn’t come a minute sooner.” Her gaze drops to my crotch. “You better get changed.”

Sure enough, there’s a stain on my sweats. “Yeah, I’m glad the condom didn’t drop to the carpet in front of him.”

She laughs and bends to gather her things. I slap her ass, and she yelps. “Hey!”