I tuck myself into my pants, feeling strangely lonely as my arousal slowly evaporates. Fuck. My legs move before my brain decides.
I open Mia’s door softly. Lying across her bed, she has her arms and legs sprawled like she’s making snow angels, her covers on the floor.
An unfamiliar feeling nudges me forward. I tiptoe into the room and pick up the duvet. For the first time in my life, I tuck my daughter in.
Careful not to wake her, I watch her for a beat. Deep in her sleep, she looks innocent and much younger. And so fucking like me.
When I turn, Celeste stands in the doorway, a ghost of a smile fighting with a scowl on her face. I close the door behind me.
“That was reckless,” she hisses.
“And yet you didn’t stop me.”
Pulling her to me, I nudge her chin to turn her face to me. I seize her lips and kiss her.
To thank her for playing this lewd game with me.
To apologize for dragging her into a conflictingsituation.
To ensure her that I’ve got her back, even though my behavior tonight contradicts that.
And most importantly, to enjoy her for a short moment longer before I let her go.
Because having sex with her was supposed to be the endgame. And I’m sticking to that.
Chapter 18
Caleb has a daughter? WTF!
Sorry, it wasn’t my story to tell. Have you met her?
I haven’t.
Shit. He struggles with his role in her life.
He struggles with our father’s role in her life.
That’s not Mia’s fault.