Page 29 of A Temporary Forever

In the short span of a week, she’s impacted me more than I care to admit. What was I thinking, sending a car for her? I blame the boredom.

Shit, I need to stop thinking about her, otherwise I’ll walk into this meeting with a semi in my pants.

I miss the conversation between Xander and another woman before we enter what I assumed was a boardroom. It’s not. It’s a large corner office.

A CEO office, if my guess is right. And as soon as I see who’s in there, I stop, ready to leave.

“Meeting adjourned.” I scowl at Xander.

Cormac Quinn, my archenemy, smirks. “Really, van den Linden? Will you let some high school grudgeI’ve never understood keep you from the best opportunity of your life?”

He’s leaning casually against the glass desk in his light blue suit, challenging me with his eyes.

“The value of the opportunity plummeted with you in the picture.”

“What am I missing?” Xander frowns, his gaze darting between me and Corm.

“That's what I wonder.” Another man whom I didn’t notice before stands up from a large sofa in the corner. He walks to where I still stand by the door. “I’m Declan Quinn, Corm’s brother. I’ve heard a lot of great things about you.”

Brother? I’d never have guessed. While Corm has fair hair and his tan is probably hard-earned, the other Quinn is darker, with black hair and eyes.

I shake Declan’s hand, glaring at Corm. “I’m assuming none of them came from that asshole.”

Corm raises his arms in exasperation. “For the record, the grudge your family holds against me is one-sided.”

“Fuck you, Quinn. My sister… Never mind. I’m leaving.”

But I don’t move, because at the mention of Saar, he flinches. And that’s as good as a confession. He hurther.

“Wait a minute, this is about a woman?” Declan scoffs and gets on my shit list right below his brother.

“I’ve never done anything to Saar.” Corm approaches me.

The two other men in the room move—Xander toward me and Declan somewhere between us, getting ready to break up a fight.

“Really? Why don’t we ask her?” I fist my hands.

Corm stops. “Why don’t we? I’m not sure what you believe happened, but aside from ditching her on the dance floor, I always wondered where your overprotective act was coming from.”

This stops me in my tracks. I can’t fathom why he would lie about that, because he must assume I either know what happened or can easily ask Saar.

We’ve never gotten any details from her because we didn’t want her to suffer through a confession.

Regardless, I still don’t trust the man.

“Okay, kids, why don’t we shake hands and get down to business,” Declan says, returning to his seat in the corner.

“Cal, I think you’re the right fit for this opportunity. Let us show you how.” Corm gestures to the seating area where breakfast trays cover the table. Only then do I notice the smell of coffee in the air and relent. I’m tired as fuck.

There is no way I’m going to ever work with thatasshole, but I can at least listen to their plans. It’s not like I have anything better to do at the moment.

I take a seat and let the first sip of coffee calm me while I glare at Corm.

“We’ll need you to sign an NDA first.” Declan pushes a stack of papers in front of me.

“I’m not signing anything without my lawyer.” I drop the contract beside me.

Declan shakes his head. “Seriously, Xander, why the fuck are we having this meeting?”