“Let Dom do the talking.” I hear him say something to Peter, and then he comes back. “You fuckingscared me. I’m so going to punish you for this, black swan.”
A shudder rakes through me. I deserve that. And frankly, his level of punishment rewards us both.
“Celeste van den Linden,” Martinez’s bored voice slices through the air.
“I have to go.” I wish my voice sounded level.
“You got this.”
My leg bounces as Martinez flips through the file Dominic prepared. I try to breathe and appear composed, but that ship sailed the minute we entered this gruesome office.
Though I must say that Dominic’s energy is the exact opposite of mine, and it helps a bit. Not much, but it gives me a sense of safety.
Martinez’s scrutiny of every single document and every picture takes an eternity. I almost wish she was asking questions like yesterday, because this silence is unforgiving and agonizing.
It lingers in the air, allowing me to think, which is counterproductive to keeping my nerves in check. I wonder if I’ll be sent to jail before they deport me.
Will they detain me? Will I be able to say goodbyeto Caleb and Mia? What about Cora and Lily? My colleagues? Will I just disappear from their lives?
The thought of every single person who forms my tribe in New York lodges in my throat, restricting my ability to breathe.
I think of Cora’s croissants, of the smashing room, of my favorite hair salon, of my walks in Central Park. I stifle a whimper, grieving even my closed dance school.
Dominic turns to me and frowns, but then smiles tersely. I don’t know if he’s just attempted to console me, but fuck his bedside manners.
Martinez puts down her glasses and bores her gaze into me, her expression tense. She then looks at Dominic, who gives her a blinding smile. Seriously, where is he pulling these reactions from?
She narrows her eyes and looks back at me. And before she even speaks, I know beyond any doubt that it’s a good thing I came packed.
I only hope Caleb was serious when he said we’d figure this out, because it’s an easy phrase to throw around before the grim reality takes shape.
Chapter 41
Fucking traffic.
Never have I verbally abused Peter or my fellow commuters this much in my life. I keep sending texts to Celeste and Dominic, but neither of them is answering. I can practically feel the vein on my forehead straining with my pent-up energy.
I try to focus on the positive, but there is no fucking silver lining here. And the airport! What a nightmare. How do people travel like that regularly?
Why did she go to the airport in the first place? Was she really planning to run? Even though I know she didn’t leave, chills cover my body.
She might have decided not to leave, but it’s still not clear if she’ll be allowed to stay. It doesn’t matter. The where doesn’t matter, as long as she’s by my side. We can find asolution.
Peter finally pulls to the curb in front of the ICE offices, and I rush out without even closing the car door behind me.
Like this is the finish line of a marathon, a kick of adrenaline propels me forward. People step aside, and thank God for that, because my mission is unstoppable.
I need to see my woman. I need to see her now. Then we can deal with everything else.
How is it that in a span of a couple of months, I grew to appreciate this partnership, relationship, this marriage?
Somehow, without me fully making the decision, I stepped away from our agreement and became a married man.
For real. For better. Forever.
Ignoring the attendee at the front desk, I take two steps at a time.