Page 132 of A Temporary Forever

Or I’m overthinking it because we’re exhausted and should sleep.

But we don’t. Sleep is eluding us. I wiggle and turn in his arms, facing him.

Caleb sighs.

“I can go and sleep in my room.”

It would hurt, but it wouldn’t at the same time. Who says we need to jump into everything tonight? We can build up to this real couple thing slowly. We’ve done it all backward, anyway.

“Don’t you dare. I didn’t just break my lifelong habit for a few moments with you here.”

“But you can’t sleep.”

The room is almost completely dark, his face in shadows and still the most handsome thing I’ve ever seen.

“I’m savoring,” he whispers, tucking a strand behind my ear. “Now stop talking and get some rest. This bed and my cock need to see some action soon, black swan.”

A gentle stream of water infiltrates my foggy, sleepy mind. I stretch my arms, my fingertips brushing unfamiliar fabric.

Yesterday’s events flicker through my mind, and I snap my eyes open. And the sight is fucking breathtaking.

My gaze lands on my husband’s penis behind the glass, explaining the sound of water. Caleb stands under a waterfall in his shower, his arms braced on the glass wall and his head down.

Every single sinew, cord and muscle is on display. The whole image is a reward wrapped in sin. And then he lifts his head and looks at me. Scorches me with his eyes.

Oh my God, it’s a good thing he never brings women into this space, because the amount of swooning might have detrimental health implications. That glass shower is God’s gift to women. No, no, the current occupant is.

My heart rate spikes, and my pussy clenches.Caleb smirks and fists his cock, giving it an aggressive tug.

I rub my thighs together, kind of grateful I’m under the sheets, because my visceral reaction is mildly embarrassing, and there’s no bloody way I’m allowing him to see the amount of power he has over me.

We might have crossed the invisible border into a committed relationship, but I can’t hand all the control to him.

That thought evaporates into nothing when he turns off the water and steps out of the shower. Bringing with him the scent of his soap, and something so carnal I almost whimper, he rounds the bed, devouring me with his eyes.

“Good morning, black swan, I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he drawls, not in the least sorry that he did.

But neither am I. “Good morning. Careful there with that package.” I beckon my head to arguably the most beautiful cock I’ve ever seen. How does he even fit that thing inside me?

Wet as he is, he jumps into bed and somehow pulls the covers from me. “You be carefully reckless with it, darling wife.”

“You’re soaking the sheets.”

He flicks his finger through my folds. “Soaked is what I’m after.” He winks, a satisfied smirk on his face.

I giggle but yelp as he flips me around. In one swiftmove, he positions me on top of him, straddling him as he grips my hips.

I freeze. I’m okay with my body, but this is my least favorite position, because it usually gets me thinking about all the extra folds plainly on display.

We fucked like this before, but it was always when I was fairly dressed.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.”

I don’t know if his words are a response to my hesitation, but they come out with such conviction and honesty, I abandon my stupid notions.

Iamfucking beautiful.

I reach between us and lift my hips, guiding him to my entrance. When an inch of him teases inside me, I pause. “We’ve never done this.”