Page 12 of A Temporary Forever

The scene pushes tears to my eyes. I’ll miss this.

Stop it!

“Sorry I couldn’t make it sooner.” I walk over, and they jump up.

“The woman of the hour.” Cora kisses my cheek, her red curls tickling my face. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there last night. But things are looking up, and I might be able to take a night off and see you dance on the stage.”

Cora took over her father’s bistro after he fell ill, only to discover the entire business was in a very poor state. She’s been working hard to help it bounce back.

Saar and our mutual friend Brook, who now lives in Portugal, started frequenting the bistro before their classes at my dance studio. Just before I had to close it, Cora became a regular in our tight group. Not that she has much time to see us outside of this little, charming place.

My dance studio used to be just up the street. Another dream that evaporated.

Stop it!

I quickly move to kiss Saar, because I don’t want to break the news right away. It hurts that I can’t even enjoy last night’s success, because it’s over before it even had a chance to settle in.

“I’m going to miss you.” I squeeze Saar’s hand before we sit down.

“I’m going to be back soon. I can’t stand the hectocity of work for too long.”

Saar is a model who works mainly in Europe, owning apartments in Milan and London. She misses Manhattan, but declines most of the offers to work here—a decision she made to avoid her parents as much as possible when she first started modeling at fifteen.

“Hectocity is not a word.” Cora chuckles.

“It should be. The point is, we’re going to hang out soon. All the time. Until you get sick of me.”

“About that—” I start.

“What can I get you?” A woman I haven’t seen before in a black apron with the bistro’s logo smiles at me.

Her raven black hair is styled in a pixie cut that looks like it was shaped with children's scissors during a daring DIY moment. Her almost-black eyes draw attention.

But her glasses? They look like something you’d grab off a drugstore rack—cheap and not all that cute.

She is slender and so petite I immediately imagine her spending hours in front of a mirror practicing ballet.

“You’re new.” I smile.

Her tanned face turns red, and her eyes dart to Cora, who takes over. “Celeste, I’m proud to announce that I finally hired someone to helpme here. This is Lily. Lily, these are my friends, and they’ll be getting on your nerves regularly. And Celeste always gets an oat milk latte.”

“Nice to meet you.” Lily fists her hands and turns.

“Actually, can I have two of your delicious croissants?”

“Of course.” She dashes away.

“She looks a bit scared, but I’m sure you must be relieved to have hired her.” I’m thrilled to see Cora relaxed for once.

“She is a bit nervous, but I have a good feeling about her.” Cora takes a sip of her coffee and winces. Licking her lips, she adds, “I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it.”

“Of course she will.” Saar crosses her legs, looking effortlessly beautiful in her jeans and a white tee, her blond hair in a messy bun. “Celeste, you must be exhausted and excited after last night. Congratulations. The whole performance was amazing, but you stole the show.”

All for nothing.

Stop it!

“What’s wrong?” She immediately picks up on my mood.