I stumble, propping my hand against the wall. I’m worse than my father. He at least gave me negative attention.
I’m running away from this responsibility. And there is a young girl who’s the victim of my actions.
“Oh, Mia, he’s starting a new company, and that takes a lot of work. His current absence has nothing to do with you. I promise.” Celeste bends and gives her a hug from behind, the two of them a picture ofbeauty and affection.
I lean against the wall and close my eyes. Within all the lows I’ve experienced in my life, this single moment is the worst.
The two of them deserve so much better. And without another moment of hesitation, I bolt.
Chapter 28
Ihold Mia in my arms for a few more beats, my heart breaking for the girl. She’s so strong and self-sufficient, but in this moment she feels so fragile and innocent.
Merde. Caleb might fear commitment with me, but he can’t do this to Mia. She didn’t have a father in her life for a decade, she deserves one who cares beyond his credit card.
The shitty thing is, I know he doesn’t want to hurt her. He just doesn’t know what to do. And he doesn’t realize how his absence impacts her. I didn’t realize it either.
“Come on, let’s wait for him downstairs. Where would you like to go eat?”
Mia drags her feet behind me like I’m forcing her to attend a broccoli-eating contest, taking each stepgingerly.
Caleb rushes out of the kitchen with a smile. “I called the smashing place. We’re booked in an hour.”
Mia stops and eyes him, an unsure ghost of a smile tentative on her face. “I thought we were going out for brunch.”
“Change of plans. We’re having street hot dogs on the way.” He winks at her and her face lights up.
I don’t know what happened between his earlier behavior and now, but seeing Mia’s hesitant responses puts a grin on my face.
“Look, Mia, he did find his personality in the shower.” I hold my hand out to high-five her.
She scoffs, but hits me back. Grabbing her hand, I pull her toward the elevators.
“Okay, I deserve that.” Caleb shrugs. As we walk past, Mia extends her other hand in his direction.
He looks down for a moment and takes it, his throat bobbing. My chest swells with warmth for these two wounded souls who, despite my efforts, found their way into my heart.
My fake marriage might end sooner than I’d like, but I will forever cherish this moment.
We pile into the elevator like a normal family going out on a Saturday. We might be an unconventional group, but this morning we feel like a family.
Sun rays tickle my face as we stroll down the bustling chaos of Times Square. We smashed an entire room, and we ate hot dogs, sauce dripping down our forearms.
I pretended to take a call a moment ago, to give them some alone time.
Their heads angled toward each other, they share a laugh about something on Mia’s phone screen. I wish I could hear them over the honking cabs and chattering tourists.
But even just seeing it, experiencing it, I feel we’ve turned a page after the awkward morning. Seeing them like this tugs at something deep inside me.
Thumping bass music fills the air and Mia stops, her feet already finding the beat. A street performer is throwing down some impressive hip-hop moves on the pavement in the middle of the square.
I can’t help but snap a picture of the two of them. While Mia is completely enthralled by the young man with a boombox, Caleb steals a glance at her, his expression softening.
“Go on.” He winks at her, nudging her forward. “Show them what you’ve got.”
Her eyes go wide, gaze darting between the jamming dude and Caleb. Excitement and shynessetched around her face, she bites her lip, and instead of forward, she steps backward, bumping into me.