He’s been as playful as ever. Attentive, yes. But that might just be his game. The man takes care of his father’s mistakes, for fuck’s sake.
“Since when are you so cynical?” Cora huffs, stands up and talks to the new server before she returns. “Your latte is on its way.”
“You hired new help?” I ask, hoping to move the attention from me. But I’m distracted by her comment. Am I being cynical?
I’ve been holding back, reining in my feelings,because from the get-go I knew Caleb doesn’t do relationships. That’s why our arrangement should have worked—in theory.
But nothing in his behavior since we started sleeping together suggests he’s not in it fully. God, we need to have a conversation.
Though havingthatconversation might mean I’d find out I’m just a convenient lay, and that would throw us into that uncomfortable ‘morning after sex with your roommate’ zone. I wish my green card was sorted already.
“Are you even listening to me?” Cora interrupts my train of thought. “The new guy is significantly better than Lily”—she looks at her former server—“no offense, babe.”
“None taken.” Lily raises her mug as if her lack of skills is a reason to toast.
“Anyway, Sanjay is my new server. I took your advice and set clear boundaries, and now I think he fears me. That’s why he didn’t come to take your order.”
That makes me chuckle. “I can’t possibly imagine anyone fearing you.”
Cora is a decade older than me, and she is a no-nonsense, down to earth woman with a big heart, but sometimes she can come across as abrupt, controlling, and a bitintimidating.
Lily snickers, and Cora’s eyes widen. “Were you afraid of me?”
“At the beginning, yes.”
“Oh shit, and I was being kind to you.” Cora turns and watches Sanjay for a moment.
“I’m sure you’re kind to him as well. Setting boundaries doesn’t mean you’re a bitch to someone.” I poke her ribs with my elbow.
And as to my own point, Caleb is kind to me, but that doesn’t mean he reset his initial boundaries. He just stopped being a jerk because having sex with me is more fun.
“Maybe I’m just not built to be a boss.” Cora folds her arms across her chest, sliding lower in her chair.
“You’re a great boss, and besides, you won’t ever grow this business if you keep working the counter, the kitchen and the floor,” Lily points out.
“Which reminds me, I looked at your numbers. There’s some room for growth, I think,” I say, as Sanjay brings my latte. I take a tentative sip and sigh, savoring the beverage with closed eyes for a beat.
Lily giggles. “Definitely better than mine.”
“When you say growth, all I hear is more work.” Cora puts her head into her palms.
“Not necessarily. I’m not an expert, but I think with some additions to the menu, happy hours andmore promo, you can draw more of a crowd without too much effort.”
“I can’t pay for expensive marketing,” Cora mumbles into her hands.
“It doesn’t have to be expensive,” Lily says. “I can help you with social media.”
Cora looks through her fingers, but says nothing.
“I’m better at that than I am at making coffee. Let me help you.”
“I think it’s a great idea.” I take another sip.
Heaven. This latte is even better than anything Cora made herself. Caleb would love it.
The thought makes me pause. When did I start considering his opinion even when he’s not around?
It crept up on me unexpectedly, but it’s there. I think of him when I get a standing ovation, wishing he was there to celebrate with me. When I drink my morning tea alone, because he left at the crack of dawn. When I see a meme and almost forward it to him.